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Quantum Energy Yoga Mudras


Quantum Energy Yoga Mudras

Sign: Aries
Name: Collapse of the Quantum Wave Function (the ego)
Mudra (gesture): One World
Color: yellow
Mantra: Thought
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Process: Stand. Place the thumbs over the nail of the index finger. Stretch your arms straight out to both sides. With the other fingers pointed firmly outward, trace circles in two vertical planes the size of your head, going from front to back on top.

Meditation: Let go of your ego. Feel the cosmic oneness. At other times you may see the circles mirrored in yellow circles drawn on either side of the brain, stimulating the hippocampus (memory region). Use different-sized circles in different positions in the brain, as you recite the word thought.

Benefits: This stimulates sluggish bowels, as the Large Intestine Meridian ends on the index finger. Good for improving memory, mental powers, and letting go. It purifies the senses and lends focus to your activities. It symbolizes the flow from sense stimulation to brain perception, and opens the amygdala, the doorway to extrasensory perception.