6. Bach Flower (Generational) Priority

Test the following list:
agrimony, aspen, beech, centaury, cerato, cherry plum, chestnut bud, chicory, clematis, crab apple, elm, gentian, gorse, heather, holly, honeysuckle, hornbeam, impatiens, larch, mimulus, mustard, oak, olive, pine, red chestnut, rock rose, rock water, schleranthus, star of bethlehem, sweet chestnut, vervain, vine, walnut, water violet, white chestnut, wild oat, wild rose, willow.

Several may be weak. To bring the healing benefits, the physical remedy does not have to be taken. Just breathe it in as follows. Place your hands palm down over the center of the chest with several fingertips touching. Breathe in and out deeply--three times. On the third outbreath, recite the names of the flowers for which you are weak 3 times. Example: "red chestnut, red chestnut, red chestnut, vine, vine, vine."

The Bach flowers clear emotional energies and blocks passed on to us from past generations. You can test to see how many times a day and how many days you should repeat the breathing in process. Once you get used to the ones that give you trouble, you can test them, even without reading the list.