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Quantum Energy Yoga Mudras

Sign: Taurus
Name: The Quantum Probability
Mudra (gesture): World-Healing
Color: pink
Mantra: Whole
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Process: I like to do this sitting on the floor, with a coffee table. Can also be done seated in a chair in front of a desk. Sit in front of the edge of the table or desk. With your knees bent at about 90 degrees, place you heels about six inches part agains the sharp edge of the table or desk top, so the edge gently cuts into the center of the heel. Reach between your knees and wrap the fingers of each hand around the corresponding big toes. With your elbows, gently press outward on the inside of the knees.

Meditation: Relax and meditate on pink light flowing from you feet to your head. Recite the word 'whole' several times.

Benefits: Bladder, Liver, Spleen (Pancreas) Meridians end in big toe and are stimulated. The elbows are on the tonification point for the meridian relating to the pancreas. Good for reducing hypoglycemia or diabetes, improving digestion. Good to do when you feel ill or scattered. Grounding. Pacifying. Reduces cravings for food, sex, anything.