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The Quantum Particle Internet


Philip Petersen, Phd.

Empyrean Quest Publishers

Knightsen CA

©1997 by Philip Petersen

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Petersen, P. Stephen

The Quantum Particle Internet/P. Stephen Petersen


Bibliography: p

Includes index

ISBN 1-890711-18-7

1. Quantum Theory (Physics) 2. Physics-- Philosophy. 3. Quantum Interpretation (Physics)

First Empyrean Quest Edition 1997

Printed in the United States of America


Imagine a world in which half the people behave like quantum particles and the other half behave 'normally'. The quantum particle half, the 'Blues', walk through walls, engage in multiple partner 'nuclear' families, and are capable of mass coordinated physical movements, as in superfluids or super-conductors. The other half, the 'Reds', study the Blues and their social scientists come up with a Quantum Theory of Blue Behavior. The excitement begins when the 'Red' scientists of differing points of view discuss their interpretations of this theory.

Are the 'Blues' human like the 'Reds', or is it impossible to understand them except in terms of quantum wave functions? This conflict between the ideas of Devon 'Wizard of Odds' Baum (David Bohm) and Stan Exciting (Neils Bohr) is the theme of this book. Presented in satirical allegory form, the sensibility of the Bohm point of view becomes clear with the analogy of the 'Blue' sharing of information as on the information superhighway, the Quantum Particle Internet.

Fifty years after Copernicus 'died', Giordano Bruno was burned alive for espousing and extending the ideas of Copernicus. In the 1630's Galileo was forced to recant his support of the Copernican system. Thus the great 'revolution' of Copernicus and his sun-centered solar system took about 100 years.

This book honors the ideas of another great revolutionary, David Bohm. Like Copernicus, his major work was published in the year of his passing. This was exactly 450 years after Copernicus published De Revolutionibus in 1543. Like Copernicus, his work too signifies a major shift in perspective on the universe..

David Bohm, with his friend, Basil Hiley, put the finishing touches on the work, The Indivisible Universe, in 1992. It was the year of his transition. It was published in 1993, and the period of its difficult acceptance has begun. Will it be 100 years before it takes its proper place in our understanding of the world? Possibly, but the number of adherents to his strange idea of non-locality is growing perhaps at a faster rate than those who stood by Copernicus. Will there be martyrs to the new revolution? We hope we have learned open-mindedness from history.

The revolution, like that of Copernicus, may impact all areas of science. The former Descartian sense of divide and conquer in scientific study is already giving way to the necessity of seeing the universe as a whole. But will the view of Newton and Einstein that action at a distance is a 'philosophical absurdity' and 'spooky' be laid aside for the beauty of the 'unbroken wholeness' of Bohm's quantum potential? Only time will tell. We await the verdict of the 21st Century.

Physicists search for the simple 'elementary particles' and yet David Bohm suggests that these particles may be as complex as human beings, working with what he calls 'active information' like surfers on what one could call the "quantum particle internet".

A marvelous analogy exists between non-local particle interactions and the gleaning of information from the world wide web. Like all analogies, it's not perfect, but it is detailed and enchanting. When you connect to a network or the internet, you become part of the whole. In a similar fashion, a particle wave-function becomes inseparable from another group of particles with which it 'connects' by measurement or interaction. It acts as if it had inside information on the state of the other particles and their environment. It is not quite like getting e-mail from all of them. It is, however, a net-like connectedness, which may be broken when its wave-function becomes 'separable'--very much like 'logging off'.

Sometimes particles all dance together, like on some enormous World Wide Web Day. Superconductivity finds pairs of electrons all moving in phase, with their wave functions entirely entangled. This is like billions of couples dancing together in phase. How do they know what to do and when? Active information may be responsible (the fact that the dancers have minicomputers in their pockets, all connected to the same server).

Then how is it that in the lab we can do classical physics? It turns out that macroscopic objects like billiard balls and peoples' bodies have wave functions that separate out like computers disconnected from any network whatsoever, local area network or internet.

Quantum measurement is like going to a web-site and having a choice of sub-pages to click on. Once you click, you choose to interact with that page, perhaps to purchase a computer game you like. Before you click, there was a probability that you would choose that page, and a probability you would choose any of the other possible pages (quantum states).

Some badly-constructed web-sites allow you to 'decohere', that is, not to be able to click back to the home-page. You're stuck on a sub-page forevermore, (unless you understand the 'back' button). Quantum states are like that. Some states interact with others and some do not.

What about radioactivity? What allows a neutron to tunnel through the 'wall' of the nuclear potential? Some mysteries have to be left for the rest of the book. There are lots of them.

These mysteries are explored in a narrative form. The historical unfoldment of Quantum Theory is presented, tongue-in-cheek, for a mythical society on the planet, Mearth, half connected and half not: the Blues and Reds. The Reds are unaware of hidden Blue computers and their information connection. Along the way, we are introduced to Red scientists, such as Halbert Zweistein (Einstein) who have faith that the connected Blues are human, and Stan Exciting (Neils Bohr) who considers Blues an unfathomable mystery with calculable behavior.

Chapter by Chapter Outline

The first chapter tells the story of Stan Exciting's 'establishment' Copenhagen interpretation of the Quantum Theory of Blue behavior. In contrast, the pilot wave interpretation of Saint Louis DeBrocade (Prince Louis DeBroglie), treats Blues like normal humans with a holistic interrelatedness. This becomes the basis of the interpretation of the 'Wizard of Odds' Devon Baum (Bohm). His work is suggested by the incompleteness of Quantum Theory, pointed out by Baum's teacher, Zweistein. Meanwhile, everyone is playing dice to understand Quantum Theory. Halbert voices his objection: 'God doesn't play dice with the Blues.' The Blue Information Superhighway is revealed to Baum inadvertently by an intoxicated Blue, and Blue Behavior can finally be understood.

The second chapter is the account of Baum's Quantum Potential, which is like the field of information available over the internet. It is the form and content of the wave-function, not the amplitude of the 'signal', that determines the reaction of a connected Blue (quantum particle). Baum contends that the Blues have access to 'active information', like the radio signal used to pilot a robot ship.

In the third chapter, blue groups (the many body problem) are explored. How do Blues behave in concert? It is seen that an individual Blue 'PC' can hook up to local networks or the World Wide Web depending on situation (experiment or measurement). The meaning of relative independence of Blues under certain circumstances (wave function separability is explored). A Blue becomes connected by 'logging on' (inseparability).

The fourth chapter investigates the process of 'logging on' to the quantum particle internet. Sometimes a Blue may use different 'screen-names' over the same internet provider. Some act like 'reflected waves', some 'transmitted waves' and other possibilities. Some Blues have trouble logging on. They have long relaxation times.

Chapter five deals with quantum measurement and how it is like Blues choosing what to click on at a web-site. The Zweistein--Puddleski--Rosenzweig (EPR) experiment is explained. This has to do with the mysterious employment--unemployment of sister wives in a molecular family of Blues.

Chapter six investigates the Blue chat rooms of 'superconductivity' and 'superfluidity'. Blues connect and do outrageous things, like thousands dancing in perfect step. Virtual Places for Blues are found to exist online. They believe that Virtual Reality is more real than physical reality.

Chapter seven talks about 'favorite places' or 'bookmarks', lists of URL's that are like Baum's (David Bohm's) enfolded order. Could it be that the Schrodinger equation is America Online? How well does it function? Will Schrodinger's Cat ever log on again?

Chapter eight zaps into other realities, other upcoming interpretations of the Quantum Blue Information Superhighway. This includes the Blue versions of Stapp's, Gell-Mann and Hartle's, Ghirardi, Rimini,. and Weber's, and the author's own extension of Philip Pearle's physical wave function reduction through the brain (the Quantum Tai Chi). These are explained as narrative of the discovery of Blue connectedness by Red social scientists.

Nine wraps it all into a neat little 'web page' with lots of 'URLs' favorite places, and possibilities for the future. We are back on Planet Earth. Where will quantum scientists go next? Bohm gives us the vision of a Holographic Universe. Does Bohm's theory explain ESP? Sightings of UFOs? Consciousness? Life after death? 'Welcome to the Quantum Particle Internet's Home Page'. Perhaps that's what the preface will be in an online version of this book.


Plato, the Greek philosopher, made a point about the subtle nature of reality in his 'Allegory of the Cave'. In it, a person is fettered and left facing the wall of a cave. His vision is restricted to the forward direction by blinders and immobilization of the head. Behind the prisoner is a fire, and this fire acts like the bulb in the projector of a 'shadow show'. Everyday objects are brought between the fire and the prisoner, and the shadows on the wall are all he sees. He is then released, leaves the cave, and in the light of day sees the world as it really is. The shadow play represents the illusion and lower reality of everyday experience as compared to the fully-perceived supranormal perception of what Plato calls the world of 'ideal forms'.

One cool thing about an allegory is that it doesn't have to match the 'real world'. As long as it can be conceived, it may be used to illustrate a point. An allegory presents an abstract subject my using concrete or material forms. The circumstances may never be encountered one's life, but one can imagine how they could if the 'real world' were rearranged.

The Imaginary Quantum Society

On a small planet in a parallel quantum universe, the society of humans became divided in half by a technological advance brought about by playful aliens. These aliens brought their internet technology to the earth secretly managing to connect up half the population in a homogeneous distribution. Every other family had computers implanted in their ears. The planet Mearth would never be the same.

Imagine the information superhighway as a secret network of computers. There is no other means of communication but to talk to a person face to face. No phones, radios, or TV. (How would we survive?) Half the people are on the 'net' and the other half have no way of knowing about it. The alien invaders threaten death to anyone revealing the secret. Talking about computers or internet communication to the 'lackeys', as they are known to the 'connectors', is absolutely forbidden. Each computer has been miniaturized into a small pellet in the ear of a connector. The lackeys always wear Red and the connectors Blue, and so they are also called 'Reds' and 'Blues'...

In this imaginary world, the science of the internet imported is beyond our wildest dreams, but only for half of the people. Almost instant modems, large wireless connections (whose purpose is hidden from the lackeys), humongous server computers, and complex programming has developed to a state far beyond present knowledge. Suppose also that each computer has all the information stored in it that was unique to each other hard drive: a replica of the information universe in each computer. (This will become possible for our world as hard drives evolve. In fact in January of 1997, experiments showed how information may be stored: one bit per molecule.)

On the planet Mearth, anytime a Blue enters anything in one computer, it is 'instantly' recorded in all the others. Also, each individual Blue consults his/her computer each time an important decision is to be made. Friends, family, and business associates, no matter how distant, can be polled for their input and reactions. All this communication is kept from the Reds.

Something should be said about the instantaneous nature of the communication. Einstein' Special Theory of Relativity prohibits communication at faster than light. Technology had progressed in the 'quantum society' of Mearth so that the speed of light on the net was attained. This means that communication around the world would take about 1/14th of a second, nearly the time it takes the retina to reset an image. For all intents and purposes, the communication is instantaneous. The important thing is that human action and thought is much slower. This is like instantaneous action at a distance. Gravity and electrical force act at a distance, but not instantaneously. Not much would change, however, even if the information were sent and received truly in an instant.

The Blues also use secret body computers to record the position, conversation, heart-rate, neurological impulses, and feeling neurotransmitter levels for each connector. Thus the Blues have access to a vast real-time construction of each 'Blue' and their environment.

As near as possible, then, each computer can reconstruct the Blue world at any given moment. So each Blue has access to almost all information about the world at each instant and moves, thinks, and acts in light of that knowledge.

The Reds (lackeys) find the Blues quite different from themselves and have separated themselves socially. The greatest social and behavioral scientists among the Reds obviously have a challenge on their hands trying to understand Blue behavior. They find many of their actions unpredictable, except in the sense that they obey laws of statistics. The choice of behavior of a given Blue has a certain range of possibilities, each with a probability. However, understanding the Blues in terms of cause and effect (causality) is impossible without knowing of the existence of their computer network. None of the Blues reveal their net-based motivation to Reds.

One day, one of the greatest social scientists among the Reds, Stan Exciting (the counterpart of Neils Bohr on Earth), came to the conclusion that Blues (connectors) live in a world that Reds will never understand.

"For example, we have found that they make love as often as we do, but as to when and to whom, that is not possible to understand. Effectively Blues do not exist as human beings who function on an understandable causal level. They are definitely not like the classic 'Red', whose actions we know and understand. When we interact with Blues we understand their behavior in terms of our own. We use terms like love or anger, or fear, but how do we know what they mean for a Blue? It's better not to speculate. It's much worse than the difference between men and women!"

"Our 'Theory of the Blues' is pragmatic. We can't do any better. It's based totally on our experience of the Blues, and yet we can't say anything about the reality in which the Blues exist. Perhaps it would be better to say that the Blues exist only in our perceptions of them. Hidden variables in Blue behavior? Bah! What good does it do to speculate?"

"Also, we can pin down a female Blue as to her tastes in clothing, but that puts us out of focus with regard to why those tastes are changing at the rate they are. We never know from one minute to the next what one will be wearing. Perhaps properties of the Blues come in complementary pairs. Studying one obscures the other. Call it the principle of Blue complementarity."

Another Red piped up. His name is Werter Hazenberg (Werner Heisenberg's dual).

"What you say, Stan, is interesting, but I really feel we can make this more precise. Perhaps the product of taste and speed of taste change are always greater than some quantum of Blue action."

"Hey, that's great," Exciting responds, "perhaps we could call it the Hazenberg Uncertainty Principle. You know one thing better, you know the other less well. Let's go have a danish, and talk it over."

Thus was born the Copenhagen interpretation of the Quantum Theory of Blue Behavior. (Interspersed throughout the story of the Reds and Blues will be indented paragraphs describing the standard history of Quantum Theory. Those who know the story well, may want to skip these paragraphs. They are there for those who are new to quantum ideas.)

Neils Bohr was the founder of a point of view or interpretation of Quantum Theory we now call the Copenhagen Interpretation. He advanced the point of view that the equations of Quantum Physics predicted probabilities for results of experiments, but could not be interpreted in the ordinary way. Practically, he said, it didn't make sense even to speak of the existence of quantum particles in between measurement. To him, Quantum Mechanics was merely a set of mathematical rules to be applied to atomic or subatomic observations, and in fact existence of particles was intertwined with our observations of them.

He also advanced the principle of 'Complementarity'. Light, for example, sometime behaves like a wave, sometimes like a particle. Shine light of a specific color on two slits in Young's experiment, and it interferes like a wave. Shine light on a metal, and the light requires a certain bundle or 'quantum' of energy to knock electrons off the surface. Bohr thought of these two characteristics to be complementary. He believed that both properties could not be found in one experiment. Recently this notion has been proven false by interfering light emitted from a stimulated atom with the original beam incident upon it. The stimulated atom absorbs a quantum or 'particle' of light, and then the re-emitted light interferes like a wave. However, some of Bohr's other notions of complementarity still hold. Exact observation of the momentum of a particle yields totally indeterminate position, for example.

This indeterminacy, however, was only a limiting condition of Werner Heisenberg's more general Uncertainty Principle. In it, he reasoned that if particles have a quantum wavelength, then they must have measurements of momentum and position uncertain in such a way that the product of the uncertainties of the two were greater than or equal to a small amount (Planck's Constant, h, divided by 2). In this way we can know both the momentum and position of a large body like a baseball with reasonable certainty, whereas in microscopic measurements of quantum particles the uncertainties show up.

Momentous events are often couched in ordinary behavior. On a day, now famous in the history of Mearth, a Red by the name of Devon Baum (ala David Bohm) was talking to a Blue about the weather. The Blue made a mortal error. He jokingly referred to a 'computer' the Blues used to communicate. Devon had taken Stan Exciting's denial of the existence of Blues in between observations seriously. Now he was confronted with another possible explanation for the strangeness of Blue behavior. Although it took Devon a long time to piece together what a computer was, it wasn't long before he was connecting Blue behavior to their ability to stay in touch over long distances in kind of a network. Baum began to call this the World Wide Web.

At first, no one would believe him. The Blues with a network of shared information? Nonsense. There was no proof. And Devon did not dare tell them about the computer. He wasn't sure it existed, but decided to write a paper in the Journal of Blue Behavioral Science. He showed how it was possible in light of Blue Behavior, to postulate that Blues do behave rationally, after all. Statistical laws were necessary simply because we didn't know about the hidden variables. That is the nature of their instantaneous information sharing at a distance.

Most scientists didn't like Baum's interpretation of Blue Quantum Theory because it meant that Blues somehow knew about each other at a distance. This implied (to some) that maximum mouth to mouth communication speed (or 'gossip speed', Reds called it) was not a limit to the speed of information movement. They knew of no way to exceed it. Besides, everyone knew that information only spreads mouth to mouth. Could there be a Wizard of Oz pulling the strings?

Baum's idea made Blues understandable to him in terms of Red behavior. Just knowing that a Blue could order a car over the network, meant that Blue car dealer behavior wasn't random after all. Delivering cars to people at random was understood as a well designed act. This meant that Blues acted and decided just like Reds. Pretty revolutionary! It took about 40 years to convince maybe 20% of the Red scientists his interpretation of Blue behavior was useful. Convincing them was like us trying to convince scientists in our world that clairvoyance is the way most people get intuitive knowledge.

David Bohm was a graduate student of Albert Einstein's who became fascinated with interpretations of Quantum Theory. At first he liked Bohr's denial of particle existence, and affirmed Quantum Theory as a pragmatic way of determining particle behavior. However, as we will see in the next chapter, a mathematician by the name of Von Neumann carried Bohr's program too far when he 'proved' that there could be no underlying ordinary reality for quantum behavior. He showed (but not for all cases, as Bohm later proved) that hidden variables could not be responsible for the strangeness of quantum behavior.

Meanwhile David Bohm and Einstein were discussing whether Quantum Theory was complete. Einstein held the view that for a 'real' world to exist Quantum Theory violated his 'nothing faster than light' principle. He said things like 'God doesn't play dice with the universe, implying an underlying reality. To understand the theory better, Bohm wrote a text: his treatise on Quantum Mechanics. Perhaps the clearest introduction to the subject at the time, this book led him to examine carefully the underpinnings of the subject--quantum interpretation.

In 1952, Bohm published his first revolutionary salvo. In it he gave an counterexample to Von Neumann's proof that hidden variables are inconsistent with Quantum Theory. He also proposed a new interpretation of Quantum Theory in which Quantum Behavior was regulated by a non-local Quantum Potential, but this is a story for the chapters to come.

Later Bohm called the connection between quantum particles a sharing of 'active information. As radio communications can guide a ship on the ocean, awareness of other particle behavior throughout the universe guides an individual particle to behave with quantum strangeness. This non-local connection between particles was disturbing to many physicists, who believed with Newton and Einstein that action at a distance,

was nonsense. However, he stuck to his idea and began to call it 'Quantum Wholeness', as if the entire universe were a single being informed about its parts: the particles which make it up.



The 'Exciting' Interpretation of Quantum Behavior

This is the story of the imaginary Quantum Blue Society of Mearth from the point of view of the Red scientists who were studying it. Inserted in the story will be clues as to the actual Quantum Theory of physics. The purpose of this approach is to have a little fun and perhaps learn something in the process.

In the introduction, we gave an overview of the history of the interpretation of Quantum Blue Behavior. In it, we briefly noted the theory of Stan Exciting (Neils Bohr) which has come to be known as the Copenhagen interpretation. More of the history of how this came about to be the established point of view will be detailed here.

Max Plunk

The Quantum Theory of Blue behavior began when Maxwell Plunk (Max Planck) plunked himself down a Riviera beach one day and noticed something odd. The Blue women on the shore broke with tradition. Every last one of them wore a black bathing suit for part of a day. This was unheard-of in Blue behavior, and so Dr. Plunk began to theorize as to the cause.

Plunk was not the first. Other scientists had noticed the 'black body' effect before and tried to explain it by relating it to waves on the beach. After all the light absorbed and emitted by the black bathing suits was a wave. However, their theory of did not explain why some of them changed back to their usual Blue bathing suits before the end of the day and some did not. Not until Plunk noticed that two of them changed suits at a time.

Plunk called this a quantum effect (quantum meaning a bundle of Blues). The change in bathing suits always came in a bundle of two. Plunk became very famous for inventing the 'quantum' and thereafter anybody employing similar ideas called their work 'Quantum Theory'. Thus Plunk is known as the father of the Quantum Theory of Blue Behavior, even though he didn't understand very much about it.

Max Planck in 1905 described how the spectrum of emission of light from a black body achieved the spectrum, or spread of frequencies, observed. He did this by breaking with the usual idea that light is a wave. Making the revolutionary assumption that light came in bundles of energy he called 'quanta', he was able to fit the spectral curve.

Wave methods had been tried earlier without success at the high frequency end of the spectral curve by Rayleigh and Jeans. From then on light was thought to have properties of both a particle and a wave.

Halbert Zweistein

In the same year a German of Jewish descent by the name of Halbert Zweistein (Albert Einstein) applied Plunk's quantum hypothesis in another context. This work eventually won him a Zobel prize.

He was also on vacation in Bimini (Reds love vacations) watching a group of Blues playing Red rover, or should we say 'Blue rover'. Their version of the game was different from what Halbert was used to. They never shouted 'red rover come over'. It all just kind of happened. Half the players held hands in a row and the other half stood unlinked several yards away. Sometimes, without signal, one in the loose bunch would run up and hit the line of linked Blues. Nothing happened. Even when single Blues hit one after the other, no breakage in the line occurred. However, the loose Blues soon learned to link together in twos. And when they hit the line on the end it broke someone free.

After much thought, Zweistein realized that the quantum phenomenon of two Blues was happening again. He recalled Plunk and the black bathing suit phenomenon. Here was another instance in which Blues were acting in 'quanta'.

Albert Einstein explained the photoelectric effect and received his only Nobel Prize. In the experiment, light is incident on a metal and electrons near the surface are imparted energy and leave. It had been noted that this effect only happened for photons above a certain frequency. Einstein was able to explain it with quanta of light with an energy proportional to their frequency (Planck's idea). Thus for a low frequency each photon didn't have enough energy to kick out an electron, but at a high frequency it did.

In the same year, Zweistein studied another Blue behavior which had him puzzled. It would eventually bear on the Quantum Theory, but it was a phenomenon he understood in terms of Classical Red Behavior. In the previous century, Robert Brownstone (Robert Brown) studied Blues at football games. Blues sat together in groups at the games, and during halftime, they passed around footballs by the hundreds. They did this to each other in random directions. Zweistein was able to account for the energy and random motion of the footballs in terms of the varying amounts of popcorn the Blues had consumed. He developed a statistical theory of Brownstonian Motion.

Einstein explained Brownian motion in terms of transfer of energy from a suspending material to larger particles in random amounts and in random directions. An example of this is what you see when you watch dust dancing in the air in front of a window in the sunlight. The dust particles do a random dance, kicked around by buffeting air molecules.

Later, the Quantum Theory of Blue Behavior was criticized by Zweistein as being an incomplete description. In giving his opinion of the apparent statistical behavior of the Blues, he said that "God doesn't play dice with the Blues". This was a very funny statement, because sometime Blues played dice with each other, and sometimes Blues played the Blues (in more ways than one).

Prince Louis and the Blues

A French prince by the name of Louis DeBrocade (DeBroglie) was the next actor to play a part in the evolution of the Quantum Theory of Blue Behavior (henceforth known as QTOBB). His PhD thesis was very simple and had only one equation. This was very unusual for Blue Behavior theses of the time. In his spare time he played Jazz trumpet.

Louis was a very moral person, and thus the Blues he studied were sometimes called 'the Saint Louis Blues'. He said that if Blues seemed to act in quanta of two or more, why not think of each Blue group or quantum as being 'on a wavelength', so to speak. If Blues act as quanta, why couldn't each quantum 'have the Blues', that is share feelings. A lot of other social scientists thought he was delving into 'muddy waters', so to speak. Perhaps it was the fact that as prince, a friend stuttered, he was about to 'be... be... king'.

The idea that groups of Blues could be on the same wavelength was very influential in the development of QTOBB. It was not long before Stan Exciting (Neils Bohr) got hold of the idea and was able to begin to understand the Blue family unit (the atom).

Louis DeBroglie advanced the remarkable hypothesis that all particles are in some sense like waves. He described a particle's wavelength in terms of its mass and velocity (momentum). This led to the formulation of the wave mechanics version of Quantum Theory by Erwin Schrödinger in 1926. Wave mechanics utilizes waves of probability called wave functions.

Stan Exciting Comes Out

Meanwhile in Copenhagen, or some place like that, Stan Exciting, a promising young theorist, was contemplating the Blue family unit. He noticed that the simplest unit was a male and female with no children. He called the male a 'proton' and the female an 'electron'. Together they made up the simplest 'nuclear' family. This also happened in Red society, where marriage was very common. What was different, however was the way in which Blues formed multiple-partner marriages, almost any number of men and gays lived together with a number of women equal to the heterosexual men. He called the gays 'neutrons'.

He first studied the single proton and electron (the hydrogen atom). He found that the women did a strange mating dance. Before engaging in procreation, the woman circled round the man as if in orbit. This lasted for a random length of time (with a most probable time) and then she went into a closer orbit to her man, simultaneously chanting the word, 'baby'. Stan thought this was peculiar, as the Reds had no such mating ceremony. However, he began to realize that the woman was obviously on a particular wavelength, so he made a model of the ceremony.

He drew the woman as a standing wave around the man, and realized that the number of whole waves required that each orbit had a unique energy. Only certain energies were allowed. What Stan found was that the baby (photon, or light particle) had as much energy as the changing orbit of the woman in the dance allowed. Babies born for small circle changes were very quiet, for large circle changes they moved around a lot and made a big fuss. Thus the babies had a new kind of 'quantized' energy equal to the woman's dancing orbit changes.

Neils Bohr took the idea of DeBroglie's that particles are waves and applied it to the electron in orbit about the proton in the Hydrogen atom. If the electron was a wave, he felt that an whole number electron wavelengths (n) should makeup its orbit. This would provide each orbit with a distinct energy and nothing in between would be allowed. This explained the discrete spectrum of lines obtained from excitations of Hydrogen gas. The electron jumped levels of energy when excited, and fell down again releasing that energy as light of a distinct wavelength or 'color'.

This theory made Exciting very famous, as social scientists were puzzled at the discrete range of Blue baby behavior and energy. Exciting was so famous he started discussing QTOBB with Halbert Zweistein. After all, Stan smoked cigars and Halbert smoked a pipe. Sharing second-hand smoke was fun. People billed it as the 'greatest scientific debate of the century. Zweistein didn't think that the Quantum Theory, which had become very statistical by then, was all there was to understanding Blues, but Exciting was, well, very 'exciting'. As they spent a lot of time together, some people started to spread rumors about their relationship. Of course, there was no truth to the rumors. We're not talking about that kind of coming out.

Stan 'The Man' Discovers Complementarity

Stan Exciting did have a lot of male scientist friends. Werter Hazenberg (Heisenberg) was a close coworker. Hazenberg, as you recall from the Introduction, had discovered the Hazenberg Uncertainty Principle. However, eventually Exciting came to dislike the name. He wanted to call it the Complementarity Principle. He was thinking that the mind of a Blue and its behavior (they sometimes called Blues 'its') were complementary.

Here is his reasoning. If we study the mind of a Blue by talking to him we actually make his behavior unpredictable in proportion to how much we pin him down. Thus, mathematically we can say that the product of a Blue's mental uncertainty times his behavioral uncertainty is always greater than the Plunk Constant. The Plunk constant is a small number Plunk used as a proportionality constant between bathing suit quanta frequency and their energy.

Exciting and Hazenberg went so far as to say that this product represented the 'indestructible quantum of Blue action'. You could never pin down a Blue's mental state and behavior better than that. It was all very well founded in statistical studies of Blue behavior and states of mind.

'Action' is a quantity that came into vogue in the 1920's. It is the product of momentum and position, or alternatively energy and time. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle says that action is greater than or equal to about 10-34 Joule seconds. The smallness of this number means that uncertainties are usually ignorable when making measurements on macroscopic objects like trains, planes, and automobiles.

Hazenberg and Newman Toss A Quantum Salad

Werter Hazenberg loved to walk the beach and contemplate the meaning of QTOBB. His meditations led him to believe that unpredictable Blue behavior existed as potentialities in the minds of Red observers. He called these thought 'potentia' or quantum states. Stan Exciting had a lot of male friends and Werter was one of them. However, Stan was not convinced that the Reds were actually thinking about the possibilities of Blue behavior or even that a trace of such thoughts existed in their consciousness.

Werter utilized the relative reality of the quantum state of a Red mind to formulate a mathematical quantum theory of how the possibilities became actualized in Blue behavior. A bright mathematician, John Paul Alfred Newman (John von Neumann) was elected pontiff of the mathematics of quantum theory by the Blue Behavior Society. The society's name was quite confusing to Blues because the initials were BBS. Blues had computer bulletin boards denoted by that label.

Newman also had a salad dressing company on the side, a side salad, of course. Newman looked carefully at what happened just as the mysterious Blue behavior manifested. He used Hazenberg's quantum state to note how an observing Red scientist interacted with the Blue or Blues he was observing. He was able to conclude that things became complicated when Blues reported Blue behavior to Reds. He mathematized what he called the 'cut' where the Blue behavior was finally reported to a Red or to a computer or recording machine. Others claimed that his ideas implied that mice observing Blue behavior were able collapse the possibilities or possible state functions to one of Blue behavior. Thus the entire universe except for the Blues was said to exhibit classical behavior.

The most influential conclusion Newman came to was that Hazenberg's formulation of the quantum theory was logically complete in describing Blue behavior and that no hidden variables could possibly be involved. That is, he mathematically 'proved' what Exciting had guessed--that the quantum theory answered all questions one could ask about Blue behavior. The strange thing was, people actually believed him for over 50 years, even though his reasoning was based on a fallacy. Perhaps his salad dressing had too many anchovies.

One positive step for Newman was the formulation of Blue Quantum Theory in a mathematical domain called Dilbert space. Early in the century David Dilbert (Hilbert), who wore glasses just like the comic strip character, worked out a system of solutions to equations much like quantum theory. He said each solution was like an axis in a space they way we normally think of x and y axes. He also was very frustrated with corporate business policies, and some said there was some kind of cloud of 'doom' hanging around him. He had a dog named Bert who could talk, and often solved his mathematical problems for him.

We will later discuss the proof of 'Ponko' Bell (J. S. Bell) that Newman was wrong about hidden variables. Blue behavior could never be completely understood in terms of Red reality.

Meanwhile, Kermit Rosedinger (Erwin Schrödinger) had invented an alternate way of making the quantum theory mathematical. It was 1926. Having finally overcome the stigma his childhood friends had placed upon him by calling him 'the frog', Rosedinger made it to the big time, and actually had starred on a PBS children's show. He picked up on 'Saint Louis'' notion that Blues were actually waves. The Rosedinger equation was a wave equation, where the waves could be interpreted as waves of Blue probability. This interpretation was suggested by Max Bornagin (Born) to be an effective way of relating a measurement to the probability of the quantum state.

Schrödinger's equation was like the equation for electromagnetic waves (light) except that the waves were complex functions involving the imaginary i = -1. This made the solutions called wave functions hard to interpret. Max Born noted that the wave function solutions when multiplied by their complex conjugate produced a probability of locating the particle in a small box. It was also discovered that one could sandwich mathematical operators representing things like energy between the two functions and integrate to find things called 'expectation values', or the most probable outcomes of experiments. You can imagine that the wave functions being imaginary seeded the idea that they were involved with the brain or mind, and that Hilbert Space was somehow a space of the mind or imagination.

As Rosedinger's equation began to hum (it was a 'humdinger' as they said), social scientists among the Reds began to use his approach exclusively, to the chagrin of Hazenberg who had developed his own matrix approach. Reds began to talk about the wave packet of thought which led Blues to behave like maniacs. Thus was born the wave function. Every possible Blue (particle) behavior had a Red (human) brain wave and a quantum state: a wave function. Each wave function had a timing (or phase) and a probability. All the possible functions were added together to represent the potential behavior of a Blue. Scientists used the term 'collapse of the wave function' to describe the process by which Blue potential behavior became actual behavior.

The King of the Blues Pilots a Whale

Louis DeBrocade had a unique way of interpreting the Quantum Theory of Blue Behavior. It was so bizarre to Red scientists that none of them paid it any serious attention for 30 years. He said that Blues were human beings just like Reds. Wow! Hard to believe, when Blues acted like they were on drugs most of the time. Though they ate, had sex, watched movies, and went to work like Reds, that was about where the similarity ended.

Louis noted how whales oriented themselves by using the earth's magnetic field. Louis postulated that there was a field which guided Blues, cluing them in to other Blues at a distance. Further, he claimed the guiding wave was the wave function itself. Wolfgang Amadeus Pauley (Pauli) raised a criticism DeBrocade couldn't handle. Pauley, whose wife's name was Jane, said that Blue sexual behavior (commonly known as 'scattering') could not be seen as guided by the pilot wave. In fact, he pointed out that there was no way that Blue women exhibited Red characteristics. They often became very athletic and loved to spin in bed.

Prince DeBrocade became disheartened and started to spout party line allegiance to the Copenhagen Interpretation of Exciting and Hazenberg.

De Broglie's pilot wave theory was a legitimate contender for interpreting Quantum Theory. Contrary to Bohr, he asserted that particles existed in between measurements, and were moved along well-defined paths which were coordinated by quantum knowledge of the rest of the universe. Wolfgang Pauli criticized the idea at the 1927 Solvay Conference, claiming that two body scattering could not be properly represented in the interpretation. Prince Louis got discouraged, and abandoned the idea, until in 1952, David Bohm used his idea to refute Pauli's argument.



The pilot wave idea of Louis DeBrocade lay unheeded on the desk of Red scientists for three decades. They insisted that information sharing without talking was impossible. Red society didn't even have telephones. Thus some computer which informed Blues how to act was out of the question. This was because they were used to looking at the Blues through 'rose' colored glasses--in terms of classical Red behavior. The phrase 'hidden variables' was taboo. It was not possible to figure out Blue behavior, only to statistically predict what spread of activities an ensemble of Blues would engage in. Besides pope 'John Paul'(von Neuman) had 'proven' once and for all that hidden variables were not necessary.

It was believed that the Quantum Theory of Blue Behavior was complete in itself. This belief continued in spite of the fact that Halbert Zweistein resisted the idea that Blues were not normal human beings, and thus incomprehensible. This belief of his was almost gut-level, since there was very little support for the 'human Blue' idea.

Halbert had a student who looked much like the little man in the Emerald City. His name was Devon Baum (David Bohm). Devon shared Zweistein's view that Blues are human, at least as a possibility. He was able to give a specific example of a hidden variable theory in 1953. He was also led to find the fatal flaw in Newman's disproof of hidden variables.

Newman had assumed that hidden variables would have the same properties Red behavior (observables) had. Baum demonstrated that it was possible to have truly hidden variables, influences on Blue behavior that could not be explained by characterizing them in terms of Red behavior.

Baum was odd in a lot of ways. He had a lot of Blue friends. One day he was hanging out in a Blue bar dressed in a Blue suit (this was taboo for a Red in two ways).

Baum had a Blue friend, Dylan Roberts, a musician who recorded 'It's all over now, Baby Blue'. Dylan had a little too much to drink, and let loose with the idea that there was a machine all the Blues had access to. The conversation went something like the following.

"We must seem like crazies to you guys."

"Yeah, it's hard to understand your multiple marriages, for example. Our Mormon Reds gave up on that long ago. And what makes you guys so bi?"

"I'm not like that, but a lot of other guys are. Maybe they plug into an information machine at night." Dylan was half-joking, but soon realized he had revealed the truth, and tried to cover up. "I'm not serious. We just think different from you Reds."

The Internet Discovered

Devon pondered the idea as he went to bed that night. Maybe Dylan wasn't joking. It certainly would make an interesting hypothesis for the hidden variables. If Blues had information about each other, no wonder they did such odd things.

Devon Baum constructed a mathematical model of the hypothetical computer network connecting the Blues. It was in terms of energy and information, and he called it the Blue Quantum Potential. It contained what he also called 'active information'.

Active information is like the information in the radio signal which guides the errant ship. Baum took Louis DeBrocade's paper from 30 years ago of his desk and dusted it off. There was a ready-made idea that now made sense.

A Red going to a psychological counselor often got advice that changed his life direction, why couldn't Blues be getting information about each other somehow? This information could be what guided their bizarre behavior. 'Active information' was a good word for it. The amplitude of the information signal didn't matter, only its content. The information was then acted upon by the Blues.

Red scientists loved to discuss these issues in terms of the Blue train station interference experiment.

Blues loved to play games with an artistic twist. For example, whenever there were two entrances to a train station, Blues acted as if aware of both entrances even if they didn't see them both. They would arrange themselves in a wave pattern of Blue density along the track and wait for the train. If there was only one entrance they didn't contrive such an 'interference' pattern. To the Reds it was as if each Blue sensed the two entrances and the positions of the other Blues, and contrived to perform a collective dance.

This happened over time as well. At a station that wasn't so busy, a Red scientist noticed that if he plotted the positions of Blue passengers on the track over many days they still formed the wave pattern. Often only one or two Blue passengers came for a single train. It was as if a single passenger entering the station was aware of all the other passengers who had entered the station to board previous trains.

Professor Baum went even further and said that the Blue behavior could be explained in terms of the various forces acting on the Reds, like peer pressure and force of habit, if a new force was added in. The new force he called the 'quantum force' and was determined by the Blue probability wave function. This wave function included information about the whole world, or at least the parts of it that mattered to any possible behavior of Blues (remember that Blues are much like quantum particles).

Baum was able to explain the train station behavior by plotting the quantum potential which is like hills and valleys to the gravitational force. He did this for a train station with two entrances. These hills and valleys were in accord with the fact that there were dual entrances and that there would be a statistically significant multitude of Blues entering the station over a long period of time. The Blues were in effect falling into the valleys because of the quantum force. They 'gravitated', so to speak to positions along the track in a wave of density over time. We see on the following page a plot of the train station quantum potential (Young's 2 slit experiment) in 2-d space.

The front of the picture represents the track. The back two distant peaks the two slits.

The Blue train station experiment is Young's two slit interference experiment. In its original form, monochromatic (one wavelength) light is incident on two narrow slits. A screen is placed a distance behind the slits and an interference pattern is observed. Davisson and Germer did this with electrons instead of light and found that particles had interference properties. If one considered the electron as a quantum wave the periodic variations in intensity of the electron detection pattern on the screen made sense.

To understand why a distribution of Blues would 'wave' along the track even when station traffic was small, Dr. Baum had to postulate that the Blues had a plan they are able to communicate to everyone entering the station. Since a Blue always have a small computer on their person. The quantum wave function or 'field' always accompanies them, and mandates a response. Thus the combined system of Blue plus quantum field behaves causally. Baum claimed that quantum Blue behavior would not have to violate causality.

Though the form of Baum's theory is modeled on classical Red behavior, the reality is different in several ways. Computer communication is much like mouth-to-mouth, although it happens over a much greater distance. We should also note that Blues only perceive information about the world through their computer if it is relevant to their choices or immediate behavior. We also note that the factor of emotion in Red communication, so present in influencing their behavior, is not present in Blue information sharing. Thus Baum noted that the information and not the amplitude of the quantum field enters into Blue behavior. This is the reason for using the term 'active information'. If radioed information guides a ship, above a certain threshold the amplitude of the signal does not matter.

Also, one of the strangest aspects of Blue behavior is the elimination of the factor of choice under certain circumstances. Blues are constrained by the quantum potential to behave in certain ways, otherwise the quantum statistics would be violated. Baum perceived them almost as robots in the precision with which the obeyed the quantum mandate. Like bees in a hive, they each had a well-defined job to do, and had to play the game of life by very rigid rules.

Often, though there were traces of classical Red behavior mixed in with their robotic nature. However, if these were not present in a given situation, Blues moved in very strange ways, indeed. For one thing, they often didn't walk in straight lines, and often employed unexplainable shifts in direction.

Notice the paths of a group of Blues as they meander through the train station.

Strangely enough, when one entrance is closed the Blues all walk in straight lines to a point on the track just in front of the entrance. It is as if their quantum Blue behavior shuts off, and they become similar to Reds. Thus Baum was certain that Blue computers inform the entering passengers whether there are two entrances or one. The Blue quantum field is very dependent on the environment.

As Baum always said, information in-forms Blue behavior. It makes them move into formation or act in concert. Active information is the key.

Another important difference between Blue and Red behavior is the holistic way in which it proceeds. All Blues may become involved in the pattern of behavior exhibited by a single Blue. The Blues entering the train station act as if on a collective plan to distribute themselves in waves along the track. Blues cannot be considered to be independent human beings with free will. This is a feature for which Reds pride themselves.

Also necessary in Baum's description of Blues is the complex way in which the individual computer responds to the overall plan. The Blues thus are complicated creatures like ants or bees with a directed collective intelligence.

The World is a Blue Casino

Baum ended up with the same statistical rules as in the Copenhagen interpretation of Stan Exciting. However, his reasoning for obtaining them was quite different. He said that the amplitude of the wave function represents probability, but it also serves a purpose in the in-forming of Blue behavior. In fact, Ponko Bell invented a word for the possibilities each having a probability. He called them 'Blue beables' because any of the possibilities were like thoughts in a mind--they could be.

Baum said it was possible that the Blues had something like a roulette wheel in their computers. The slots represent possible behavior. If a behavior is more probable, it has more slots. However, he also realized that it was possible that deterministic laws ruled the outcome in some probabilistic way, just like the roll of a die is determined by the laws of motion of a physical macroscopic cube.

Quantum Blue behaviorists actually used to bet on Blue behavior amongst themselves and formed gambling clubs. A casino was set up on the Riviera at the very spot Max Plunk had invented the quantum. The Quantum Casino, as it was called, received visitors from all the major universities. Even non-academics got into the act. Scientists thought this was a good idea, because in order to do well they had to learn QTOBB. Bornagin who originated quantum probability got very rich, as he had a lot of experience at high rolling. He was the owner of a whole series of casinos. He also felt very guilty because of his strict religious upbringing.

Another casino called 'The Lab' survived on an Native American reservation. Scientists used to tell their spouses that they had to work late at 'the lab', and head off to the casino. This particular gaming establishment hired Blues whose behavior on site was examined to find out who got payoffs. That was where the term 'Blue chip' came from. 'The Lab' was a Blue chip casino.

Quantum Blue Intimacy

Baum and his coworker, Highly Basil (Basil Hiley), a good cook, set out to apply his 'ontological' approach to QTOBB to various areas of Blue behavior. They first examined the monogamous relationship of a male and female Blue (the hydrogen atom). Red behaviorists had long observed that a Blue one-on-one relationship never got very intimate. Blues would never describe the sexual act as a process of 'merging' as do Reds. The Blue female is always aware of her separate identity and never gets too close to the male. Perhaps the internet connection satisfies the desire for union without it having to manifest in other ways.

Baum attributed the stability of this lack of ultimate intimacy to what he called a 'ground state' of the marriage. The classic attraction of opposites was ba lanced by the repulsive quantum force which asserted the separate identity of the ever-present personal computer. However, in the mating dance, the female gets excited and whirls around her mate in a larger orbit, shouting 'baby' as she falls into the ground state of the sexual embrace.

Baum and Basil also looked at Blue singles and determined that all of their 'movement' was determined by computer energy and the quantum potential. It was almost as if destiny drove them to partners. They were impelled without choice to couple in single or multi-partner marriages. Reds prided themselves on choosing their partners and looked for things in common. Blues seemed less sensible and just 'gravitated' to odd and sometimes dangerous liaisons.

Dancing To The Blues

One of the most peculiar phenomena was called the super dance (like super conductivity). When Blues danced in pairs, every couple on the dance floor danced exactly the same steps in unison. It was as if their consciousness was in phase, being aware of each other couple. In reality, however, one couple would lead and the rest would pick up and react to their moves instantaneously. They were connected to each other's body computers.

Often a similar 'dance' would happen in every day circumstances like walking down the street. Out of nowhere, all the Blues on a given street were walking in step, executing 'left, right, left right, ...' in exact synchronization. They would smile as they passed the puzzled Reds who thought this behavior quite strange.

In superconductivity, electrons pair up into 'Cooper Pairs' because of forces in the solid (usually at low temperature). These pairs adopt the same phase or timing for their wave function by a process called 'gauge symmetry breaking'. Billions of electron pairs 'dance together, behaving as if they had one wave function. This is one of the largest manifestations of quantum behavior observed.

Baum had a male friend named Aha-run-off (Aharonov). They made an unusual prediction they thought would test the non-local nature of Blue behavior. They proposed that a Blue dance hall be set up with no windows. The doors would be shut at a certain time while the dance went on. Blues who were unaware of the dance would be asked to walk by the outside of the building. The building was totally soundproofed so that the unsuspecting ambling Blues would have no 'Red' way of knowing a dance was going on.

Baum and Aha-run-off predicted that the Blues walking by would participate in the dance as if they heard the music and saw the dancers. When the experiment was tried, it was exactly as they predicted. This experiment convinced Red scientists of non-local behavior and quantum weirdness was well established. This was called the "Baum, Aha-run-off' effect.

The Bohm-Aharonov effect splits an electron beam, for example into two in phase portions. The split beam passes on either side of an isolated region of magnetic field. Where they pass there is no magnetic field. Nevertheless, they experience a relative phase shift in their quantum wave functions. When the two beams are recombined they produce an interference pattern. This contradicts the classical idea that regions with no field cannot possibly experience change. It as if the electrons know that they are circulating a magnetic field in different directions. This field is remote from their location.

Blues also liked to arrange themselves at stadia during sports events so that their seating positions constructed crystal-like regular structures like honeycombs, triangles, etc. This happened rather spontaneously. It seemed that the first few seated set the pattern spontaneously and the rest followed. Sometimes these patterns had symmetry in higher dimensions much like what we know as a quasi-crystal.When the Red scientists discovered this higher dimensional symmetry, they were at a total loss in trying to explain it. In order for this to work, each new Blue entering the stadium had to be aware of the position of all the other Blues and position himself in the scheme.

Quasi-crystals are unlike ordinary crystal structures. Normal crystals repeat atomic structures in units of 3-D space called 'unit cells'. Quasi crystals have 6-D unit cells and thus are hard to understand by means of our 3-D thinking. In a way, each added atom or molecule must 'know' where all the other atoms are in the structure before deciding where to attach itself. This is quantum 'wholism'.

It was very peculiar that none of their children ever went to school. Although the Blues did some home schooling and training in the internet, each young adult seemed to have a perfect memory and phenomenal knowledge when tested by the Reds.

Blues were also greatly superior in sports. In football, for example, backs always seemed to find the hole in the line. The ends also were great at evading defenders and catching passes. Both teams at the superbowl were always Blues.This was quite frustrating for the Reds.



Chat Rooms, and Intranets

Baum, in his studies of one-on-one Blue marriages (hydrogen atoms), soon realized that 'husband' and 'wife' often would behave as if connected by a private computer line. When the wife would mention an item to pick up at the store, the husband would automatically pick it up at the store that day, even when he was at work. No communication had passed between them. It was as if they were both in what we would call a private chat room, or a one to one telephone conversation. It was all done with their hidden body computers.

Furthermore, Blues were members of floating secret societies that seemed to behave as a unit. This resulted in 'crazy behavior'. One time Baum saw a dozens of Blues scattered throughout the city wearing their hats upside down. When Baum tipped his hat, each of them turned their hat right side up. Queer collaborators, these Blues!

Baum thought it was like they created a virtual room inside their computers. This was a room that they shared, a 'chat room', or in this case a 'hat room'. Thus he believed that the sharing of information was not always perfect. He called this phenomenon 'separability'.

It was as if individual Blues were like Reds when they weren't logged on. When they did log on they could connect with specialized networks or chat rooms, BBS's, and forums. In this way they shared information and connected behavior with varying groups. Baum called the wave function that represented a connected group a 'many body wave function'. Thus a group like the Blue 'Elks' would have a statistical distribution of behaviors that related to their many body wave function. Other groups had other possible behaviors and probabilities resulting from their independent wave functions.

It was understood by Baum and his followers that this group behavior was reasonably called 'holistic', designed with the whole group or network in mind. Sometimes, thousands of Blues from all over the world would decide to meet in Boca Raton for a vacation, for example. This at times made vacation spots very crowded for what seemed like no reason at all. Blues liked to make a joke when they did this. Knowing Baum had explained this many body phenomenon of group vacations, they sang 'off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of odds' when they left for their vacation.

The independent groups of connected Blues had separate wave functions and behavior from other groups. This meant that they also had independent quantum potentials, forces, and behaviors if they decided to. Baum was able to show that it was natural for groups of Blues to do this, blocking off their connection with the rest of the Blues for a purpose.

The Blues also behaved as if they could meet in actual places that didn't exist--virtual reality rooms and places, if you will. Physicists say that the active information is not in regular 3-D space, in reality, but in what is called 'configuration space'.

Macroscopic objects composed of many particles lose the quantum entanglement of their wave functions. In the Bohm theory, each such object becomes a pool of relatively independent active information. We say then that large objects behave classically, and quantum interference effects are negligible.

Welcome to the Neighborhood

One of the most unusual units of Blues that behaves independently is the two family unit they call the simplest 'neighborhood family' (the hydrogen molecule). A simple neighborhood family is composed, say, of two males and two females. The two houses are next door. The males stay in the same house, but the females go back and forth, changing places at will. This creates, as you can imagine a strong inter-family relationship. However, without communication between the two females, it would be impossible for them to swap places at exactly the same time. Sometimes one would enter the back door of the neighbor's house and the other the front door of the other house. It always happens simultaneously.

The quantum model of this behavior required a strange virtual reality. It was as if they lived in two worlds at once. Wife A in house A, wife B in house B was one world. Wife B in house A, wife A in house B was the other. The positive linear combination of the two wave functions produced the bonding between the two families. There are all kinds of neighborhood families (molecules). Combinations of any number of multiple partner families are common. (Is this where the internet will take us in the future?!?)

The existence of the hydrogen molecule relies on the mixture of the two states of electron occupation: 1) electron 1 on atom A and electron 1 on atom B, and 2) electron 1 on atom B and electron 2 on atom A. The positive combination of these two possible 'worlds' provides the bond between the atoms which holds the molecule together.

Do You Wanna Dance?

As mentioned before, Blues love to dance and walk in synchronization. It is amazing for example to see them flow into a lecture hall or concert, for example. Whereas Reds take a long time to move in crowds and are always stepping on each others toes, colliding, and getting lost, Blues have perfectly frictionless behavior (superfluidity) as long as they don't lose their cool.

In this state they all move at the same speed, in the same direction. No collisions are possible. 'Indie' Pines (D. Pines) was the first to notice this. Like Indiana Jones, he was an adventurer, par excellence, and also a college professor. Indie loved to sing folk Blues, especially an old piece called 'In The Pines'. He first noticed the natives filing at constant velocity into a South American temple called the 'Temple of Doom'.

A stream of inflowing initiates, he also noted, could not be perturbed by any disturbance. He tried running into the group and bumping into them, but they just got back into line and flowed with a constant speed, as if they were zombies on parade.

At low temperatures many fluids like He4 flow without resistance or viscosity. This is the state of superfluidity. D. Pines sugested that all the particles flow with the same velocity without turbulence or disturbance.

A Russian scientist by the name of Levity Lando (Landau), a practical joker if there ever was one, theoretically proved a theorem. He found that for a given speed, if the excitation was greater than the of a given Blue, the flowing behavior should would break down. Lando loved to go around bumping Blues. He found they had a maximum velocity depending on conditions.

Superflow was proven to be stable by Landau and others. This was as long as the excitation was less that the kinetic energy of a given particle.

As a detail of Blue superflow, it was also found that their crowd flow sometimes formed vortices and rotating Blues. This made the flow very interesting to watch from a mountain or tower.

To explain why Blues could flow so strangely, the quantum Blue potential was invoked. An example would be the way a Blue crowd flowed around a pillar. The quantum potential repels the Blues away from the pillar so they don't hit it, and then pulls them back together into the flow. The Blues share information about the pillar and the flow, and contrive to take the easiest path back to smooth constant flow.

By the way, Blue women dance well in pairs (superconductivity) as long as the music isn't too hot. Three behaviorists called Bad Dean, Gary Cooper, and Schriefferheizen (Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer) investigated this phenomenon. It was thus called the BCS theory. This female dance only works well if the men are hanging around. As a pair of female dancers fly by, the men on the sidelines are attracted and move closer. This makes the two females hold each other even closer.

By the way, the women in this super dance never seem to tire. They just keep, moving and moving until the up-tempo hot music is played.

A magnetic personality coming into the ballroom doesn't seem to effect these synchronized dancers, who dance in step like couples in a water ballet. In fact, a ring of dancers in Torrance, California has been circling around for 3 years. Strangely enough the women don't even need to eat or drink to keep their energy going.

Even more bizarre, a famous magnetic rap performer by the name of Super Train was able to suspend himself above the dance floor by the magic powers of these coordinated lady dancers.



Walking Through Walls

A big surprise came in the late twenties when Rosedinger's Quantum Blue Behavior Equation predicted that Blues should be able to walk through walls. This was called 'barrier penetration'. Since people don't ordinarily bounce off the walls, except in mental hospitals, this phenomenon had not been seen, at least by Reds. Blue doctors were the only ones who could understand crazy Blues, so they ran the Blue 'nut' houses. Reds thought normal Blues were crazy enough, and avoided crazy ones like the plague.

So when Kermit Rosedinger requested a permit to visit the 'Blue Dingy Sanitorium', all the Reds thought he was crazy too. However, he merely wanted to test his theory. Perhaps he could figure out why gays (neutrons) could tunnel out of the nuclear family, a great mystery to Blue behaviorists.

Rosedinger was permitted to observe several really nutty patients, and observed the following. Every time an active patient hit the wall he might bounce off or he might go through it into the next room. When he observed a large number of hits, he verified his equation had successfully predicted the probability for 'tunneling' as he called it. However, the successful tunnels seemed to violate the laws of physics as Reds knew them. How could it be, when electromagnetic repulsion between the atoms in the wall and the atoms in a Blue's body should prevent it?

Quantum tunneling is a well-known process. A neutron, say is trapped within the potential well of the nucleus. However, quantum theory says that even if it doesn't have enough energy to escape, it can tunnel through the barrier with a certain probability over time. This is what happens when a nucleus emits a neutron, and is a certain type of radioactivity. We never know when to expect a single tunneling event. It is unpredictable. The 'reality' is the split of the wave function into two possible 'worlds', the tunneling world and the reflected world.

Many decades later, Devon Baum was able to come up with a reasonable explanation. It was the Blue quantum potential at work again. This was perhaps Baum's greatest achievement, since it was the first time Blues had been observed to violate the laws of Red physics.

Baum came to the conclusion that the Blues were so integrated with their internet consciousness that they had come to believe in virtual reality, at least at some level. Not only did they find virtual reality real, but they started to think that reality was virtual and subject to thought. That is, in Devon's view, Blues came to believe in magic so fully that magic started happening. Reds had a glimpse of this in spontaneous healing, which many believed came from the metaphysical possibility of mind over matter.

However, Blues also believed themselves to be collective probability waves in essence, and not individuals. This was a fundamental difference in philosophy between Blues and Reds. This belief allowed them to transcend the sense that they and walls had solid impenetrable existence. A virtual being can easily walk through virtual walls. Thus quantum reality was apparently thought of as virtual reality with distinct limitations due to the queer restrictions on information sharing and processing. All of their computer programs were made on the assumption that matter is waves in essence.

How did Baum explain a walk through a wall? As the Blue approached the wall, his associated wave function split into two. One was a bouncing-off function and another a going-through function. At the point of decision (the wall's surface), the Blue lost his schizophrenic dual wave personality and became one. He was either going through or bouncing back. In truth, the quantum potential, lent by the wall interacting with the Blue, gave the Blue enough energy to penetrate the Coulomb barrier set up by the atoms of the wall. At least that was Baum's idea.

The moment of decision, Baum called the 'bifurcation point', just like a point in classical Red physics where two systems with slightly different initial conditions could end up in entirely different states. A child on a swing with just the right kinetic energy, for example, could go over the top or come back down. The slightest difference in push would do it.

One of the funniest behaviors related to barrier penetration reportedly happened when Blues had sex. However, I'll let you guess what happened. Maybe that's what Jim Morrison of the 'Doors' meant when he sang in the 70's: 'Break on through to the other side.' (LOL)

Blue Harems

Blue families (atoms), as we have discussed them, are often like harems with multiple masters. Though 75% of the families are composed of one husband and one wife (as 75% of the universe is hydrogen), the rest incorporate equal numbers of men and women (protons and electrons) and some gays (neutrons) thrown in on the side.

An interesting phenomenon happened when one woman was displaced from her relationship to the 'nucleus'. If a wife left the family because another woman in the harem bounced her out, another woman in the harem would have a child (photon) as in the mating ritual she fell into the position left by the girl who departed (the Auger effect). This is a transition with only one possible result, and thus quite different from the 'tunneling' process. In such a case it is meaningful to consider the women as individuals and not just waves.

The Auger effect occurs when in a heavy atom an inner shell electron is kicked out of the atom and another bound electron falls into the orbit left empty. A photon of only one possible energy is emitted at some unpredictable time.

Once in a while, a man or gay would leave the nucleus of the family. The funny thing was that the men and gays lived together in one room called the 'nucleus'. Once in a while one of the gays would bounce against the wall and penetrate into the women's area. Once they did that they would leave the family entirely (radioactive decay).

A third type of event occurred when families split into pieces or fused into a larger family (fission and fusion). In the case of the fission of a nuclear family, a disturbing energetic gay usually was responsible. When he entered the nucleus, the disturbance could split it up, but only if there were more than 26 men in the family (iron). Families smaller than that were capable of fusing together, but only if the neighborhood was very energetic and disturbing. This sometimes forced unification of families because of the pressure.

Devon Baum described this process as the formation and dissolution of wholes with separable wave functions. These separate units behaved in many ways like normal Red families with just a man and a wife. They interacted similarly. Thus Reds could understand how Blues went to church, had parties, and went on group outings. Of course, Red churches forbade such strange harem-like families and the shenanigans that went on inside them were an anathema to Red society.

Baum's contribution to understanding the family and its transitions, then, was to understand that Blues were people too, but behaved under the influence of the strange quantum potential created by their 'instant' sharing of certain information and their robotlike response. He also understood that there was no 'collapse' of the Blue wave function in a transition, but that certain formerly 'active' information shared by Blues became inactive and thus not related to behavior. This is kind of like logging on to a specific web page, rendering other linked pages on the internet inactive. You might call logging on or changing sub-pages a 'bifurcation process'. In that way Blues could be considered to have a 'choice', but one governed by statistics in the long run.

A 'whole' was a common pool of Blue information. An internet chat room is a good example. This changed with time, sometimes because of other shared information and sometimes out of random choice. So it is in some cases, active information that forms and dissolves chat rooms or other common information pools.

To a Red, such behavior seems to be a non-local interaction. What a Blue does on one side of the planet influences Blues on the other side 'instantaneously'. That was just plain 'tom-foolery' to disciples of Stan Exciting. Both Nigel Newton and Zweistein both thought such a thing strange. Figures, doesn't it. Later Zweistein started a bagel company with his brother called 'Zweistein Brothers Bagels'. One of Halbert's favorites was the fig newton bagel, in honor of his favorite scientist.



Rosedinger's Puss

Kermit Rosedinger, as we have said, loved to study Blue nut cases. He was particularly interested in one incarcerated Blue who hated cats, and was known to strangle any cat he saw. Rosedinger had a cat and imagined what it would be like to risk her life by placing her in the room next door to this mass murderer. What if, he suggested, he were to leave her there for one hour, and the wacko had a 50% probability of penetrating through the wall. The cat also would have a 50% chance of remaining alive.

However, Kermit pointed out that if the wave function was what was real, then the cat's wave function the moment before he entered the room would say the cat was 50% alive and 50% dead. Rosedinger thought that Copenhagen interpretation left something to be desired, because a cat was obviously either alive or dead.

This is the famed thought experiment involving Schrödinger's cat. A cat is placed in a sealed box with a radioactive source providing a 50% probability of detection of a radioactive particle in a half hour. The detection of the particle releases poison gas and kills the cat. At the half hour, the box is opened and the state of the cat observed. Just before opening the quantum state of the cat is 50% alive and 50% dead. This raises the question as to whether Quantum Theory corresponds to ordinary reality. The answer physicist now understand is that it doesn't without some modification.

Baum was the first to make 'sense' out of this situation, pointing out that the wave function was only a pilot wave for the crazy Blue. The real question was: did the Blue penetrate the wall or not? The cat being alive or dead was decided at that point. Let's say penetration occurred. Devon claimed that the wave function for the non-penetrating Blue became inactive information when he and the wall participated in the event. Thus it was not true that the Blue had penetrated the wall and hadn't penetrated the wall at the same time. In that sense he was like other human beings (particles) and had a definite location. In this way even crazy Blues could share in the humanness of Reds.

The Quantum Execution Experiment

A few scientists felt that there might be other factors in the survival probability of Rosedinger's cat. They went so far as to actually try the experiment. Animal rights activists were up in arms, and finally they closed down the project, which was getting rid of lots of stray cats.

One animal lover suggested that it would be preferable to execute humans instead of cats. The media played up the idea, and finally the same procedure done on the cats was transferred to inmates on death row.

The data obtained by experimenting with cats seemed to indicate that they stayed alive more than quantum probability would indicate. However, though the experiments indicated a significance of a million to one that the results would happen by chance, most scientists poo-poohed them. Quantum Theory

was thought to be the Theory Of Everything STUpidly Blue (TOE-STUB) by most social scientists, and to have to add rules for violations was stretching the paradigm.

Rebel scientists, however, rode the tide of public interest in quantum execution of humans and were able to pass a law that the death penalty be administered by chance for all convicted murders. They hired blues to bounce off walls, and if they penetrated through, they executed the prisoner.

The quantum odds were set at 50-50 as with Rosedinger's Puss, but they wanted to see if they could get significant departures from quantum behavior. It took two decades of executions before they convinced the other scientists that other rules beyond quantum theory had to be applied to human beings.

What they found was a much higher rate of execution than suggested by Quantum Theory. The statistics were over a quadrillion to one against quantum probability. What were the rules that had to be added to quantum theory?

The rebel scientist by the name of Dillup Pewterson (the author) claimed this was the first suggestion of the laws of karma acting in the human realm. Since the prisoners had commited murder, some of them had scheduled returning karma (payback) at the time of the Blue Bounce, as it was called. Thus they lost their lives.

Whether it was karma, or every 'jot and tittle' of the law being 'fulfilled' as Jesus said, it didn't matter. People began to realize that their acts, good or ill, had repercussions on themselves. Reds began to take responsibility for their actions. Though Blues continued to act in irresponsible robotic ways (like grungies), Reds no longer acted like victims. For the most part they experienced a new awareness of the consequences of their actions. In fact, Reds saw nothing as happening by chance.

Reds developed a new philosophy revolving around their responsibility for everything that happened. They were like new-age freaks seeing the whole world as the product ultimately of their own thoughts and actions. If a pundit died in a tornado in Bangladesh, a New York Red typically asked himself, "what did I do wrong?"

Resonsibility thus became 'responsible' for a lot of guilt.

People were so busy thinking about not causing grief that they forgot to enjoy life. They also began to judge others as responsible for the world too. This got to be an extremely cold process.

Eventually, though, this became so laughable that they were able to see the ludicrous extremity of the judgmental mentality. People started to let go and have fun for a change. For awhile there they didn't even go to a movie or a play for fear they might miss an opportunity to serve. Now Reds can at last play Pinochle with alacrity. They didn't forget the restraint of resonsibility, but kept it more in balance.

Isn't it funny how science moves philosophy and philosophy moves the world? It all started with an infatuated cat lover.

Many Worlds Of The Blues

Red scientists continued to discuss when the wave function collapsed and how. Gene Wiggler (Eugene Wigner), who was also a biologist on the side, said consciousness was necessary to collapse the wave function. Some said that a mouse or photo-detecting computer would collapse the wave function, and that it didn't necessarily require a human consciousness. Devon smiled at all their attempts to make sense out of Exciting's interpretation, and like the boy in the story about the emperor with no clothes said, 'there is no collapse'. Some of the information just became inactive. Baum said it was like logging onto a computing machine (Reds didn't quite know what he meant) and deciding to change from a homepage to a particular subpage. The other subpages were still there, but had become inactive.

Baum had faith that the Blues were real, understandable people guided by information pools and not ghostly split personalities existing side by side. Speaking of ghosts, Hugh Everest (Everett), who read a lot of Science Fiction, and Bryce Canyon Twit (DeWitt), who was a man of great gravity, invented a few.

The story was that Everest was busy climbing the Himalayan peak, Nanghat Parbat, when he gained a glimpse of a climber who had failed and died in a previous attempt. The deceased climber ran ahead of him to the top, laughing all the way. Everest was sponsored by Hillary Rodram, who later became the first woman ever to be knighted by the queen and called Sir Hillary. At any rate, Everest recognized having seen the alternate world where his predecessor succeeded, and eventually saw his new theory called 'the Many World hypothesis'. Twit laid it out a little more clearly.

Thus these Blue behaviorists put together a very strange explanation for Blue quantum behavior. They said that all quantum possibilities manifested as worlds. Without changing Rosedinger's equation, they interpreted alternative solutions as coexisting realities, measurements creating splits into parallel worlds. They interpreted Rosedinger's cat as existing in the world where it was alive and the world where it was dead as parallel universes.

The Many Worlds interpretation of Quantum Theory was first suggested by Hugh Everett in the late 50's, and refined by Bryce DeWitt. They would say that at opening Schrödinger's cat box the world split into two, one with the cat alive and one with the cat dead. These were parallel worlds made necessary by the mathematics of Quantum Theory. However, the quest then becomes why we experience one world and not the other. Could we also detect a parallel world or shift into it?

The question then became, why did we experience one and not the other? Baum thought this just as unacceptable as collapse. He still claimed there was one world and human Blues participating in information sharing.

The debate raged on for 60 years. To this day nobody understands whether the world is out there or not, whether there are parallel worlds, or whether the world only comes into existence when a Blue is observed. Personally, who cares? As long as there is a world. But then again, maybe each observer actually creates the world. Dippocket Chopper, the Hindu doctor, claimed that quantum theory could be interpreted that way.

Delayed Gratification

In life, we all have to make sacrifices. Delayed gratification is a sign of psychological maturity. The Red scientist Juan Wheeler, who was a circus unicyclist on the side, understood that. He figured it out when he looked at himself in a mirror one day and realized that he was in the mirror and the mirror was in his mind. He called it the 'participatory universe'. Then he tried to apply this to Blue behavior. That's when 'all hell' broke loose. Previously Wheeler had ridden a rent-a- buggy to Calcutta India. There he realized that the poverty and sleaze couldn't escape that forbidden city, and coined the phrase 'black hole'.

Wheeler proposed a bizarre experiment. He went to a Blue fortune teller who specialized in foretelling the past. Sometimes she was right and sometimes she was wrong, but that's what she claimed. He asked her to work in the lab with him. He also hired a group of crazy Blues who were into the virtual reality thing, and could walk through walls. Wheeler set up an apparatus which had a wall at 45 degrees to a walkway which he asked a Blue to walk down. He was to bounce against the wall. 50% of the time he would go through, the other 50% bounce off. Wheeler had created a Blue beam splitter. Since the Blues were merely wave functions, he brought the two Blue beams back together where they interfered as waves. That could be measured. Thus, he said, a Blue must have gone down both paths. However, if he detected one on one path before the paths merged, then in the past, he had gone down only one of the two paths and no interference occurred. So the past path was determined by the method of measurement. The fortune teller figured that out right away, and whichever way the measurement went, was able to foretell the past. Sure enough, she was right. But she didn't know until the present. Thus Wheeler called this the 'Delayed Gratification' experiment.

The above describes John Wheeler's delayed choice experiment, and has actually been performed. Photons are sent through a beam splitter,.and then reformed creating an interference pattern. Quantum theory implies a single photon taking both paths. But if one photon is detected before being reformed, Quantum Theory says the photon took only one path. Thus Wheeler said that Quantum Theory implies that present measurement determines the past. However, in Bohm's view the particle takes one path or the other and the wave function takes both paths determining the quantum potential for the interference pattern.

Wayne's World--A Watched Blue Never Has Sex

Wayne Itanyu, who also ran a tanning salon on Rodeo Drive, was the first to observe an extremely bizarre phenomenon. It was said that no Red had ever seen a Blue couple make love, and yet babies were born, and Blues talked about their wonderful lovemaking, with the females doing a spinning thing, you know.

Well, Wayne decided to observe a particular set of Blue families. He picked those with only one wife and one husband, for simplicity. Blues do an involved mating ritual where the wife (electron) orbits about the husband (proton) and at an unpredictable time falls into a closer orbit yelling 'baby' (photon). They then mate.

Wayne watched the ritual from a planted hidden camera. First he watched briefly every minute and then turned his head away from the camera. He found that the Blues were reported to have sex a certain percentage of the time under those circumstances. Then he cut the brief glimpses to once every thirty seconds. Surprisingly the lovemaking rate was cut in half for the same length of opportunity. He kept cutting the observations to shorter intervals (15 sec, 7 sec, etc.) and found that nobody ever made love when he watched continuously. The only way Blue behaviorists could explain this was by realizing the probability amplitude for making love was proportional to the time between observations. The Blues were definitely wave functions and not human beings.

However, good old Devon Baum explained that the true wave function involved Wayne too, and that information about Wayne watching was conveyed to the couple over the internet. In other words, they knew he was watching and decided to cool it. They more he watched, the less chance they had to do it. Wayne decided to start a talk show on public access TV in which he discussed sexual issues with Blues.

(See Chapter 9 for a description of the actual Quantum Zeno experiment, performed on planet Earth.)



Local Yokels?

As the study of Blue behavior advanced it became clear that the strangeness of the Blues was rigidly confined by mathematical rules. Devon Baum (Bohm) recognized that ordinary humans (Reds) connected by a computer internet could play far more variegated 'games' than the Blues actually did. In fact, Blues were more like robots than humans when connected. In his reformulation of the theory of quantum Blue behavior, he came to the conclusion that the force which ruled Blue activity, though it depended on other Blues, had only one mathematical form. He characterized this quantum force by what he called the 'Quantum Potential'

The Quantum Potential was much like a map of hilly terrain, with Blues (particles) having a tendency to fall down into the valleys. If one knew the environment of the Blues to which a particular Blue was connected, the behavior of all the linked Blues was predetermined. It was as if Blues had no free will.

The ZPR (EPR) Thought Experiment

Well before Baum looked into the Quantum Potential as a means of rescuing the humanity (classical nature) of Blues, Halbert Zweistein collaborated with two others to make an interesting point about the nonlocality of Blue behavior. They concluded that the quantum theory was not 'complete', that is, it could not by itself describe Blues as humans. Zweistein, Puddleski, and Rosenkavalier (Einstein, Podolski, and Rosen) considered two neighboring monogamous Blue families and their behavior. They realized that the mathematics of quantum Blue behavior indicated that two families which were once linked as neighbors (and shared wives) remained linked even when the families were separated to a great distance. While the families were together, it one wife worked, the other one didn't. While apart, the quantum math required that only one of the two wives worked. When one wife lost or dropped her job, the other became employed immediately. This mismatching behavior held for various other activities of the families as well.

The EPR experiment was first devised in the late 30's by Einstein, Poddleski, and Rosen as a thought experiment. They noted that quantum relationship between two particles formed by splitting up an object with spin zero should give objects with opposing spins adding up to zero. These could be detected without having time to communicate an 'up spin' or 'down spin' choice. This meant to Einstein that Quantum Theory was incomplete without being able to reasonable explain this instant correlation.

Though Z, P, and R predicted this behavior, it was not measured until over forty years later. The amazing part of this observation was that switches in employment happened in the same instant, as if there were no time to communicate (at least by gossip) from one to the other that a change had occurred. If wife A became unemployed, the probability wife B would be employed in the same instant was 1. Things with a probability 1 were considered to be real. Thus it was possible to think of the wives as real human beings with odd connected behavior.

Zweistein considered this evidence that the quantum theory was incomplete, because the activities considered could not be defined as existing together. If exclusively part time and full time employment, for example, were both real, that didn't make sense. It also did not explain how the wives had instantaneous correlation. Besides, he had earlier discovered that the speed of gossip (light) was the fastest speed possible in the Red world. Everhard (Eberhard), however, later proved that this connection was not signaling or transmitting information faster than the speed of gossip.

The ZPR experiment left the interpretation of the Quantum Theory of Blue behavior in great confusion. There were effectively three points of view. Stan Exciting (Bohr) argued that exclusive part time and full time employment could not exist together, because the reality only existed at the time of measurement and not before. Existence for Exciting was pragmatic and measured only. However, the idea of nonlocal behavior could not be denied, even in Bohr's interpretation. Even John Paul Newman's (Von Neumann's) approach was shown by Baum to imply nonlocality. Invoking the 'Pope' of quantum theory had a great deal of clout.

Ponko Bell's Cannon

The debate raged for three decades or so until Asa 'Ponko' Bell (J. S. Bell) derived a mathematical inequality which was a 'shot heard round the world'. It clarified the whole ZPR experiment, and for that he was thereafter known by the label, 'clear Asa Bell'. The Bell inequality, and the experiments which show it is violated clearly indicate that we must decide between Blue quantum theory or locality. This basically shows that to keep our belief in quantum theory we must give up locality. Thus any hidden variable theory which attempts to establish Blue humanity must be nonlocal. (This is the picture for our Quantum Theory on Earth as well.) It must involve something akin to a quantum Blue internet. This led naturally to many scientists considering Baum's Quantum Potential interpretation seriously. It allowed them to think of Blues as humans, after all.

The question then is: why is it that Reds don't experience nonlocality? Baum pointed out that their Quantum Potential is very small. That's what happens when someone is not connected to the internet. Thus Reds never experience correlated neighborhood wives, the ZPR phenomenon.

Another Blue behavior similar to ZPR is exhibited in Blue women's clubs. This was predicted by Wolfgang Amadeus Pauley (Wolfgang Pauli). The Pauley Exclusion Principle indicates that no two women in a club can have entirely the same points of view. (Electrons cannot occupy the same state.) They like to be unique--mismatchers. This meant that Blue women's clubs had difficulty in coming to complete agreement on anything. This is also a nonlocal phenomenon in that they often held their women's meeting in chat rooms, some clubs having members scattered throughout the world.

We thus see that the Quantum Theory and notions of locality are inconsistent as the theory stands. However, some are so insistent on locality (probably because nonlocality seems like magic) that they hope someday to modify Quantum Theory to include it.

Baum, however, had no problem in accepting the unity of Blues, because he knew about their internet connection. Thus nonlocality for him was a natural, explainable phenomenon and did not require giving up the Quantum Theory of Blue Behavior. He considered his theory merely an interpretation of the Theory as it stands. Conversions to his point of view occur daily among Red scientists, as they come to see it imputes humanity to the Blues and makes them feel more comfortable in their divided world. It is nice too to realize that Blues act like Reds when they are disconnected from their 'infernal machines'. Computer nerds can exhibit humanity after all.



A Fish Story

One day Devon Baum (Bohm) had an interview he will never forget. He managed to arrange to talk over coffee to the wife of the Blue who had inadvertently revealed the Blue internet. They happened to be seated in a restaurant with a rectangular fish tank nearby. The conversation went something like this.

"So you were a part of a dual marriage with a neighboring monogamous couple?" Devon asked.

"Yes. However, her family moved to Detroit and we remained in Salt Lake. When I lost my job my sister wife found one, even though our association had disintegrated."

"Exactly at the same moment?"

"Exactly at the same moment." She smiled mystically at Baum.

"Can you give me a hint as to why this happened?" Baum was fidgeting.

Griselda did not want to reveal the truth, under pain of execution (that's what Blues did for revealing their internet connection), so she gave him an analogy. "It's like if you look at that fish in the tank with two cameras, one in the front and one on the side you see it two different ways at the same moment."

"Are you saying that you and your sister wife are always like one fish, no matter how separated?"

"In a way, that is true. An employed and unemployed archetypal wife."

Baum went home and thought hard about the ZPR (EPR) experiment and what Griselda had told him. Knowing of the internet capability led him to realize two things. First, the Blues considered internet images to be more real than themselves (they believed the world to be virtual reality). Second, Griselda was probably implying that there was a single wife image on the computer for her and her sister wife. It was like their behavior unfolded in two places at once from this image.

Baum described this unfoldment as the 'holomovement', for a holographic image is projected from the photographic emulsion in which it is recorded. He began to talk about the 'holographic Blue universe' as if their whole universe were encoded in their computer disks, and from it was projected Blue 'reality'.

Baum had much new terminology to describe the unfoldment. He called the computer code the 'implicate order', because implicit in it was the Blue behavior. The unfolded behavior he called the 'explicate order' because it was Blue behavior made explicit. He still did not understand, however, how the unfoldment worked.

The shock for Baum that Blues might not be real human beings like Reds was great. He had predicated his whole Quantum Potential theory on the actual existence of Blues as people. Now he had to question that existence. It was as if the order inside the computer was of a higher dimension than that of Blue behavior. The lower dimensional explicate Blues were unfolded from the higher dimensional computer implicate order. Which was more real?

A Marilyn Mon Row At the Bus Stop

Then one day Baum had an experience he could only classify as 'mystical'. He was driving by a bus stop where seven Blues were standing in a row. Each one looked like the famous Blue movie starlet, Marilyn Mon. Suddenly, the first Blue in the row disappeared, and then in succession each one down the line vanished from his view until they were all gone. Baum almost ran over a fire hydrant.

He stopped and got out of his car to carefully examine the bus stop. Just then, the last Marilyn in the row reappeared, and then the next, and so on, until they were all standing in a row as before. They smiled with seductive mirth, as if they had just played a prank.

David Bohm recounts seeing a device constructed by filling the space between two rotatable transparent cylinders with glycerin. Rotating the outer cylinder slowly, a drop of dye is inserted and disappears into a circular thread. If the motion of the cylinders is reversed the drop of dye reappears. Bohm thought that the movement of a particle might by implicit in the unfolding of an implicate order, as a row of dye drops reappearing in succession.

To Baum, this crazy event had a deep significance. He had long contemplated the disparity between Blue quantum theory and Halbert Zweistein's Relativity. Zweistein proposed a continuum of space and time in which Blues lived (and Red as well), but Quantum Theory indicated that certain portions of the continuum were uninhabited. Blues had quantized behavior, and in their mating ceremony, for example, the women would only occupy certain orbits about the family nucleus to the exclusion of other possibilities. Baum was searching for the holy grail that would harmonize the two theories, a 'Quantum Relativity', if you will.

Could it be that the smooth movement of the Blues was really an illusion and the continuum an explicate order? What if Blues continually appeared and reappeared, like in the bus stop event? He began to think of their quantum wave functions continually converging and diverging to make and unmake Blue bodies which had the appearance of temporal continuity. It would have to happen very fast. Motion was like a Blue disappearing in one place and quickly reappearing in another close by, etc., creating an apparent linear motion, for example.



Group Therapy

One of the baffling things about Blue behavior was that very large groups were similar in many ways to their Red counterparts. Blue Americans, for instance, voted in national elections very much like the Reds: for the same candidates and issues. This intimidated the Reds because they saw Blues as irrational creatures and to have them 'imitate' their wise balloting was insulting.

The analogy to particle behavior was astounding. The individuals (particles) and families (atoms) combined together to make social groups (macroscopic objects) which behaved like Reds (in a classical manner).

Red sociologists began to think that in order to have 'Many Worlds', it might be possible that each Red observer had 'Many Minds', each one of them corresponding to different Blue behavior. Such an idea was the natural outgrowth of the Many Worlds theory of Everest (Everett) and Twit (DeWitt). Instead of requiring umteen parallel worlds, they were all held in potential in each Red mind.

The Many Minds Theory, however, did not resolve the Macro-Blue challenge. It didn't explain how the imitative behavior was selected from Dilbert Space. In Stan Exciting's interpretation, the important thing was representing Blues as wave functions. The Quantum Blue Theorists realized that each 'mind' possibility would interfere with the others, creating a strange set of possibilities not at all like Red behavior.

A large segment of the scientists began to look for an extension of Quantum Theory which would create the observed classical behavior. It was difficult convincing the die-hard Copenhagen -interpreting scientists that a change was even necessary, but over time it became clear that Quantum Theory by itself was incomplete. How could the Blue 'dice game' become the predictable 'clockwork universe' of mass Blue behavior?

A Staph Infection

O'Henry Staph (Henry Stapp) was very convincing in his arguments that the answer lay in the workings of the brain and mind of Reds. His book, Mind, Matter, and Quantum Mechanics was both literary and infectious like his name.

The search was on for the Quantum Red Brain, as German (Deutsch) called it. Many dissections of Red grey matter were arranged, but the necessary parallel processing apparatus for 'many minds' was not found, though a fellow from Cambridge named Roger Pencilrose (Penrose) pointed to tubular structures in Red neurons (microtubules) capable of recording information like minicomputers in the network of a neuron. Perhaps these held the key to the vast information necessary to process parallel worlds.

The scientists had gotten so enraptured with Dilbert Space (Hilbert Space), the space of the wave functions of the many possible worlds, that they almost didn't consider leaving their cubicles behind for a new paradigm.

Shrink-Wrapped Physics

Girhardelli, Linguini, and Bread (Ghirardi, Rimini, and Weber) sounded more like an Italian meal than a working group of scientists, even though Girhardelli lived in San Francisco and ran a wonky chocolate factory on the side. The three decided over Chablis that they would shrink fit Red physics around the Blues like tight Italian pants around American thighs. If wave functions interfered, they would localize them so that the American Blue voters would not interfere with the English, for example. The larger the group of Blues, the faster the shrink wrap would happen. They gave no reason why this would happen, but assured fellow scientists that the details could be worked out mathematically, and would be consistent with Blue behavior.

Another set of innovators, the pair of Jell-Mann and Dartle (Gell-Mann and Hartle), hung around pubs in Ireland a lot. Jell-Mann drank lots of beer and Dartle played--well--darts. Jell-Mann had a bumper sticker which said 'Physicists Do It Eight Ways', since he had discovered the relationship of fundamental Blue personality types. He was also a fan of James Joyce's works, from which he extracted the name 'Quark' for one small Blue body type with large ears, bald head, pointy teeth, and goofy smile. "Three quarks for Muster Mark," was the quote from Joyce's Finnegan's Wake, denoting three flagons of beer. It didn't seem to bother the Jello Man that another meaning of 'quark' from the Oxford English Dictionary was a 'piece of shit' (paraphrased).

Jell-Mann and Dartle took a long hard look at how Blues fit into the picture of the entire universe. They based their study on a formulation of Quantum Theory in terms of possible histories by Richard Fine-Man (Feynmann). They looked at how space-time itself could evolve in many ways due to quantum distortions.

They decided to rewrite history in the following way. History had a way, they said, of censoring or coarse graining, so that only events that were not involved in interference would be actually occur in some kind of universe out there. This happened without the necessity of anyone having to be there to observe it. This was important, since no one was around to observe the Big Bang and the early history of the universe.

The bar-hopping pair had not come up with the mathematics and reason for it, for such a cosmic censorship. However, it did reassure many Reds who still believed there was a world out there and not just virtual reality, or the thoughts inside their heads.

Baum thought that their idea could be played out on the Blue Internet. Perhaps there was some Master Website where all possible histories were recorded, and some 'big brother' who censored these histories recording only the non-interfering behavior for large groups of Blues, and directing them to act much like Reds


Physics For Psychos

Along came a guitar playing, former college dropout by the name of Dillup Pewterson (the author). He suggested that the Red brain or the consciousness associated with it had Redundant representations of the Dilbert Space of Blue Quantum Possibilities. This was analogous to 2-D magnetic domains, the direction of the 'magnet' providing the selection of the quantum state in an observation.

The impetus for this idea was provided by another Dillup, Dillup Pearl (Philip Pearle) who said that a random free angle in quantum theory called 'the gauge' could be used to collapse the wave function. A random choice of each angle for each possibility provided for collapse through a mathematical extension of quantum theory.

Pewterson gave a reason for the random choice of gauge. It was a process like magnets lining up as the temperature is lowered through the magnetic phase transition. Why was this an intriguing possibility? The reason was psychological. Deep sleep was like random orientation of Dilbert Space 'magnets', dreaming was partial alignment, and the waking state produced a stable world as the result of Dilbert alignment of the Redundant magnets. In such a picture, magic was a possibility for macroscopic objects, that is, Red thoughts might influence Blue collective behavior.

In addition, the collective oscillations of the 2-D Dilbert magnets could be in a kind of holographic pattern, and the Universe could be pictured as holographic. We will discuss this idea of Baum's in length in the next chapter.



Perhaps the greatest thing the battle over the interpretation of Blue Quantum Behavior gave the Reds was a better understanding of themselves. After all, the behavior was intimately tied to the observer. The interpretations were so desperate and disparate that the Quantum Theory became like a magic mirror in which almost any world view could be projected from the inner workings of the Red Psyche.

Consider the wide variety of philosophical world views represented. There was the Empiricism of the Copenhagen Interpretation of Stan Exciting. In it, observed Blue Behavior was the only reality. Enter Newman's Dilbert Space, the Platonic Reality, so to speak: ideal forms in cubicles of possibility. Carried to extremes, this evolved into the Many Worlds and Many Minds interpretations. Then there was Zweistein's revolt against the whole thing. 'God does not play dice with the Blues' suggested a pantheistic order to the universe. The Wholistic philosophy of Baum allowed for the Quantum Particle Internet. The Realism of Jello-Man and Dartle tried to take the observer out of the picture, and led us to believe that the tree might fall in the forest without someone there to observe it. Throw in a little of the Hindu 'Maya' philosophy and a little Kant and you have Staph's 'it's all in the mind' point of view.

In discussing the subject with various Red scientists, I have found that the thinkers among them who understand Quantum Theory most often have unique viewpoints. However, adherents to Baum's holism seem to be growing rapidly in number. If one believes in the Quantum Blue Internet, this makes sense.

Perhaps 'God does not play dice with the Blues,' as Zweistein said. Is it possible the brain brings about a single observed quantum state from the alternatives? If so, what are the rules for its 'dice game'? Are the dice ever loaded? Are rules other than statistical Quantum Theory ever needed to explain the world? These are pertinent questions when considering macroscopic objects. We are not sure whether microscopic quantum rules strictly apply to them.

Prominent scientists have now been led to hypothesize that the brain is intimately involved in the quantum process. It is not clear how this is implemented. However, we can see the steps which led to this realization. We now shift our attention from the world of 'Reds' and 'Blues' to ordinary modern day physics on planet Earth.

The Apparatus Collapses The Wave Function?

The quantum wave function has a free angle called the quantum phase. Its existence implies what is called 'Gauge Symmetry', which in turn suggests the nature and existence of the electromagnetic force.

Three Italians wrote the first research paper to explore the relationship of the quantum phase to the collapse of the wave function. A. Danieri, A. Loinger, and G. M. Prosperi proposed that the observation introduces random phases in the quantum state of the macroscopic measurement apparatus. The observing apparatus (with its random phases) and the system interact. This collapses the wave function by phase interference.

Consider a physical example. In a geiger counter, electrons react to charged particles coming through the tube containing the detecting gas. They are in well-defined states when a particle is detected. If it were not so, they would not hit the electrode with a quantifiable energy. To be in a definite quantum state, these electrons must have specific phases in their wave functions.

These well defined phases imply the wave function for the apparatus plus system must have them too. Thus, the 'observed' particle must have a definite phase. In Hilbert Space, this is equivalent to a definite state. This is our first glimpse of what we will call Hilbert space 'phase magnetization'.

It's like putting a single iron filing on a magnet. It will line up in a direction along the magnetic field. Without the magnet, the filing could be in any random direction. Quantum phases in an apparatus 'magnetize' quantum phases in the observed quantum system. As Lao Tzu says, "the heavy is the foundation for the light."

Another analogy for this process is the way in which a seed crystal tends to crystalize the solution around it. It is a version of macroscopic definiteness, aligning microscopic molecules in a precise configuration.

The Quantum 'Zeno' Effect

There is another property of quantum observations which has a parallel in psychology. This is the 'quantum Zeno effect'. Zeno, the Greek philospher, proposed that a runner could never cross the finish line. If he runs half the distance to the finish, half the distance again, ad infinitum, he will never reach his destination. Similarly, a quantum system will never change state if continually observed. This was first demonstrated theoretically by Anthony Sudbery at the University of York.

Psychologically, time gets stretched out when we are waiting and watching. If we wait and watch anxiously for a pot of water to boil, the wait seems interminable.

For this reason, the quantum Zeno effect is like the 'watched pot' that never boils. This was physically demonstrated in 1989 by Wayne Itano and his colleagues at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. 5,000 atoms of Beryllium were bombarded by radio waves to raise certain of their electrons to an excited state. A pulse of laser light then stimulated all of the electrons that hadn't made it to the higher energy state. A portion of that light was re-emitted immediately. This informed Itano of the portion of electrons still in unexcited states.

Assume we make no intermediate observations with the laser pulse. Then most of the atoms make it to the excited state in, say, 1/4 of a second after the radio bombardment is turned on. We make another 1/4 second run with a laser observation 1/8 of a second into the bombardment. In this case, only half the atoms are observed to be excited after the full 1/4 second. More observations between mean less excitations observed at the end of the 1/4 second interval. If 64 intermediate pulses are employed, almost no atoms make the transition. A watched pot never boils.

Classically, this behavior does not make sense. It is exactly as if time is stretched in proportion to the number of 'glances'. This adds something very important to the quantum perspective. Somehow the mind is intimately linked with the process of quantum observation. Were it not so, the act of observation would not change anything. Observation becomes 'Quantum Metaphysics', as Tony Sudbery says. It is as if the world has no existence independent of the mind.

Philip Pearle's Reduction

The mystery deepens when one realizes that the angle of the Quantum Tai Chi may not be 'free' after all. In 1976, Philip Pearle of Hamilton College, New York, proposed that wave function phases select the outcome of a quantum experiment.

He suggested that Quantum Theory be extended by adding an extra energy term. This term uses the quantum phases of the possibilities as initial conditions. They 'drive' the quantum equations to select a single observed quantum state. These initial quantum gauge angles are chosen randomly. This says (although he did not) that 'someone' might be 'playing dice' with those quantum phases..

Pearle's theory harmonizes with all the known facts. It is a wonder that it hasn't been given more attention. However, is there a way in which this random choice of quantum phases is made? Could this choice lose its statistical character where macroscopic objects and events are concerned?

A Phase Transition In the Brain?

A glimpse of what might be going on has been given by Roger Penrose, black hole and 'twistor' theorist. In The Emperor's New Mind, he suggests we may grow neuronal networks in the brain in a way analogous to wave function collapse. Consciousness may examine the alternative networks and choose the best for the purpose. Penrose was searching for a solution to the dillemma presented by the behavior of quasicrystals. These are crystals which grow with a six dimensional order. It is as if an atom decides where to locate itself on the basis of information about the entire crystal. This is like chooses the best phase for the circumstance to collapse the wave function to the desired structure. The brain may be pivotal in understanding quantum behavior of macroscopic objects. This may not always be a probabilistic choice. In this picture, the mind is constantly programming the brain hardware. It uses principles comparable to Quantum Theory, but with additional constraints. It may be capable of finding the best dendritic network, not just one of many possible.

This is true for the process of learning. Might it also be true for the collapse of the wave function, particularly for macroscopic objects? Physicist Amit Goswami, physics professor at the University of Oregon, considers this possibility. In his ground-breaking book, The Self-Aware Universe, he comes to the inescapable conclusion that consciousness creates the material world by collapsing the quantum wave function. If so, could this be expressed in neuronal patterning in the brain?

We do not directly perceive quantum events. Perhaps conventional probabilistic rules always apply when we observe them. However, in the macroscopic world a choice of phases for possible wave functions matters. Our decisions and dendritic patterns matter. This is particularly true if we believe in a fusion of the ideas of Pearle and Penrose. Pearle's explanation for the collapse of the wave function may apply to dendritic connections. Consciousness may be working with quantum phases as a magnet works with iron filings: to select neuronal patterns.

In such a picture, wave function phases are symmetric before collapse. The symmetry is broken in the process of microscopic observation. In a ferromagnet above the Curie Temperature, atomic 'magnets' are randomly oriented. No overall magnetism is observed, because these random vectors cancel. However, when the material is lowered below the Curie Temperature, the atomic magnetic vectors align. Macroscopic magnetism is observed.

Danah Zohar, in her book, The Quantum Self, proposes a quantum mechanical model of consciousness which she claims analogous to a magnetic phase change. She postulates that Bose-Einstein condensation is the phase change responsible for the unbroken awareness we call consciousness. Bose-Einstein condensation occurs in a superconducting medium. It is signaled by all the wave functions of a large group of particles randomly choosing a given phase. From then on, they 'wave together'. This phase is physically manifest in the velocity of a group of particles. Observation of the superconducting phase is an example of a macroscopic 'object' exhibiting quantum properties.

Choosing a phase angle for the overall superconducting wave function is analogous to magnetization. The same equations apply for magnets allowed to align only in 2 dimensions. Ms. Zohar notes that in choosing to adopt the same phase, the particles are exhibiting 'unbroken wholeness'. This is a vital characteristic of consciousness. She concludes:

"I think that... Bose-Einstein condensation among neuron constituents is what distinguishes the conscious from the unconscious. I think that it is the physical basis of consciousness."

This model for brain functioning has been suggested by several reputable scientists (Marshall, Orlov, and Frohlich). However, it does not provide the solution to the quantum interpretation dilemma. It does leave us two clues: (1) the key may be a phase change, (2) consciousness itself may be described by a phase change involving interactive elements.

We have reached a strange impasse in physics. The very small is more completely understood than the very large. Quantum Theory is the best and most universal physics paradigm of all time. It has described the humble electron with precision beyond what we had ever dreamed possible. The electric coupling constant has been determined to at least 15 decimal places, a success unheard of in the history of physics. It is suspected that Quantum Theory in some form applies to macroscopic objects like chairs and humans. We have a straightforward idea of how we could apply it. However, we have no way of testing our supposition. To do this we would have to add up the wave functions of quadrillions of atoms. Will Quantum Theory with no additions apply to the behavior of large objects, or will we need additional insight?

The Dance of Superconductivity

The strange behavior of superconducting material may be the best clue we have to unravel this mystery. Ginzburg and Landau, two Soviet physicists, developed a theory to explain superconductivity which identifies its large-scale order as macroscopic quantum order. They suggested that superconducting electrons form a macroscopic quantum state.

A change in matter phase can be described by an 'order parameter'. The order parameter describes how much of the object is ordered in a certain way. In going from a non-magnetic to a magnetic state in a magnetic material, the order parameter is the magnetization. In a liquid crystal, the order parameter is molecular bond orientation.

Ginzburg and Landau shocked the physics world. They indicated that the superconducting order parameter looks exactly like a wave function for a single quantum state. This is a quantum state involving billions of electrons. Can that many pairs of electrons choose to 'dance' together in phase, like Rockettes in Radio City Music Hall?

The superconducting 'wave function' has an amplitude and an associated phase. The energy associated with the group of electrons depends in a special way on this wave function. The energy is a minimum for a change in state. It turns out that this energy is minimum when each pair of electrons ('Cooper pair') has the same phase. A system comes to equilibrium in the state with the least energy. Thus, the quantum wave function is a superposition or addition of the single pair wave functions. It has the same phase as each pair to minimize the energy.

It is as if each electron pair moves in step. It is as if each is aware of the others, or coordinated by command. Similarly, a group of students can do a Tai Chi routine in synchronous motion. However, training and coordination are required.

The form of the superconducting energy is the same mathematically as for two-dimensional magnets with non-local interactions. Such magnets are constrained to align only in a plane. 2-D magnets with non-local interactions are like beings in 'flatland' equipped with telephones. They have a massive 'conference call' in which they are all requested to orient themselves to the northeast, for example. A minimum in energy is achieved when they are all aligned at the same angle, so they do so. In the same way, superconducting phases 'magnetize' to the same phase angle. It is as if there were a force between them.

Normal 2-D magnets only interact with their nearest neighbors. They develop no long-range order. They have no non-local interactions. However, Cooper pairs of electrons in superconductors do.

Thus, in superconductivity there is an energy associated with quantum phase alignment of the constituent particles. One could ask whether this is true for the wave function possibilities in a quantum measurement as well.

In the Ginzburg-Landau Theory, the 'wave function' plays the role of a 'magnetization' which aligns the Cooper pair phases in the same direction. Random alignment of phases is gauge symmetry. This is broken when the phases line up. The phases are 'out of alignment' when the temperature is high. This is a 'buffeting' process. It is similar to what occurs for atomic 'magnets' in a magnetic material above the Curie temperature. We can transfer this 'buffeting' process to a phase change in the brain. It is the neuronal noise background caused by random firing of brain cells.

Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind?

Stephen Weinberg received the Nobel prize for his part in the gauge unification of the weak force and electromagnetism. He gives us a prescription for the next step in the evolution of the quantum theory of measurement. This is quoted from his 1993 work, Dreams of a Final Theory:

"What one needs is a quantum mechanical model with a wave function that describes not only various systems under study but also something representing a conscious observer. With such a model, one would try to show that as a result of repeated interactions of the observer with individual systems, the wave function evolves with certainty to a final wave function, in which the observer has become convinced that the probabilities the individual measurements are what is prescribed in the Cophenhagen interpretation."

To represent the observer in the process of quantum collapse, we have suggested that the quantum gauge be used to describe the functioning of the brain or consciousness. Consider a microscopic quantum measurement. Is it possible that consciousness changes state in a way analogous to the superconducting transition? This is tantalizing suggestion. After all, each possible state's wave function has an infinity of equally probable possibilities for its phase.

The choice of a single phase for each state could be accomplished by phase 'magnetization'. Though this would require a complex arrangement, the number of neurons in the brain is staggering. Within each neuron are microtubules which may record information like components of a minicomputer. With trillions of neurons, we may have trillions of microcomputers at our command.

It is also known that the process of memory storage is redundant in a multitude of locations in the brain. Even when brain cells die with age, our memories live. As Naval brain researcher Leon Cooper says,

"... a distributed memory... possesses in a very natural way the property of relative invulnerability to the loss of storage units: individual memory sites hold superimposed information concerning many events. In order to obtain a single event, information must be gathered from many sites. Loss of individual units decreases signal-to-noise ratios, but does not lose items of information."

Cooper further reasons there is 'parallel processing' going on in the brain. If so, why not processing in which each parallel computation involves a 'micro magnet' in gauge space? The processing 'magnetically' selects gauge angles and brings about wave function collapse. Before collapse, the possible states exist in the unconscious. After collapse, the 'magnetic' alignment of phases selects one of them repeated in redundant portions of the brain. This redundancy then 'creates' the real world of observation, as Dr. Goswami has suggested.

Thus, a set of phases is randomly chosen for the possible states in a quantum observation. Pearle's theory can then be used to pick a unique state from among the possibilities. The wave function collapses as the result of a phase change in the brain or consciousness.

All this may be accomplished mathematically without changing Quantum Theory. We just add an energy term for the phase interactions in the brain or consciousness. This term would be identical to the energy term suggested by Ginzburg and Landau for superconductivity. Such a choice solves one of the problems presented by Pearle's theory. Using the Ginzburg-Landau form for the energy, a necessary sign change occurs at the transition in state. This sign change is obtained by changing Quantum Theory in Pearle's version


The Temperature of Consciousness

One can set an upper limit on the average energy of a 'particle' of consciousness or the brain in this process. A large disk-shaped object should have uncertainty in its angle of orientation in this model. This is caused by the 'buffeting' of consciousness which 'creates' the observation. We can observe to what precision a macroscopic disk lies still. Thus, we could have an idea what fluctuations of energy a 'unit' of consciousness might be limited to.

If the 'particle' of consciousness is a neuron, we could compare this with the neuronal background firing rate and energy. Microtubule 'noise' is still an unknown. Finding it may eventually determine a transition 'temperature' for consciousness. This consciousness could be considered to make the 'real' world from the world of possibilities.


Simplest of all Possible Worlds

The merger of Quantum Theory with Gravity has been the most challenging pursuit in the history of physics. The search for a useful Quantum Gravity goes on. As Stephen Hawking has pointed out, the uncertainty principle is in conflict with the unique bending of space-time in Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. If the position of a particle is uncertain, how can it follow a precise path in space-time as Einstein suggests? Superstring Theory purports to be a solution to this dilemma. However, its equations are still too complex to allow predictions to be made.

The simplest imaginable solution is called Semiclassical Quantum Gravity. In it, the possible states of matter are 'averaged' (a quantum 'expectation value' is taken). That average state's energy configuration is used to determine the curvature of space-time.

However, in the 'phase magnetization' theory we have been discussing, we don't need to take an expectation value to have Semiclassical Quantum Gravity. A given curvature of space is magnetized when the brain phase transition precipitates 'physical reality'.

At its essence, Quantum Phase Ensemble Phase Transition Theory (QPEPT) eliminates quantum uncertainty in the curvature of space. Such uncertainty is only existent in the redundant circuits of the brain or consciousness before magnetization 'creates' the world. For a given set of phases, only one location of a particle is possible after quantum collapse. This is the difference between conscious awareness and pre-collapse unconscious awareness. Pre-collapse awareness is multiple and not redundantly amplified.

Thus, it is a phase transition in the brain or consciousness that precipitates a given position for a particle. It determines the curvature of space itself. This picture is a deterministic one. The playing of 'dice' obeys deterministic rules in a real dice game. In the phase transition of consciousness, the laws of deterministic physics also determine the outcome.

I want to end this book with a comparison between David Bohm's Holographic Universe and my Phase Magnetic Universe. Both theories are wholistic, explain the redundant nature of memory and brain function, and represent the processes behind 'psychic phenomena'. However, Phase Magnetization is 'internal' and the Holographic Universe 'external' in a way described below.

Michael Talbot describes the Holographic Universe: "Our brains mathematically construct objective reality by interpreting frequencies that are ultimately projections from another dimension, a deeper order of existence that is beyond both space and time. The brain is a hologram enfolded in a holographic universe... the objective world does not exist, at least not in the way we are accustomed to believing. What is 'out there' is a vast ocean of waves and frequencies, and reality looks concrete to us only because our brains are able to take this holographic blur and convert it into the sticks and stones and other familiar objects that make up our world."

To 'catch the wave' of this revolutionary point of view, it is helpful to know how a holographic image is constructed. A laser beam is split into two parts. One part is scattered off a 3-dimensional object and recombined with the second. The interference patterns between the two beams are recorded on a photographic plate. Later, an image of the original object is reconstructed by shining a laser beam on the plate ). This last process is the analogue for the brain's construction of the world from the 'holographic blur' of interfering waves.

David Bohm suggests that there is an implicate and explicate order. The implicate order is that which brings forth the changing holographic 'plate', the mind, to be interpreted by the brain. The explicate order includes the interference patterns generated and their interpretation as 'the world'. The movement from internal dimensions beyond space and time to create consciousness waves and their resultant 'physical world' Bohm calls 'holomovement'.

In the gauge or phase magnetization picture, the implicate order is mathematical rather than inferred. It comprises the myriad of gauge spaces beyond space and time which characterize the many possible worlds. Such a picture is a filling out of Bohm's idea with a mathematical structure.

The explicate Quantum Phase order is the interpretation of the magnetized gauge dimensions as a realizable, tangible world. The flow from internal dimensions to a transformable world could also be called a 'holomovement' of sorts. Local gauge symmetry is well adapted to the stream of consciousness 'flowing and unfolding' Bohm is seeking.

If the processes both have at least surface similarity, what is the need for a new theory? First, and foremost, the holographic universe is a classical theory. It is not clear how it harmonizes with Quantum Theory. The interefering waves are the wave functions representing possible realities. However, the process of holographic projection is classical. In addition, the holographic universe does not give a reason for the sudden collapse of the wave function. It is not yet the long-sought interpretation of Quantum Theory.

However, in 1966, Bohm and Bub proposed a hidden variable dynamical reduction theory for the wave function (). A 'hidden' or unmeasurable vector worked through an extension of Quantum Theory to collapse the wave function. Nevertheless, this hidden variable did not relate to any 'physical' circumstance or quantity. Their theory was meant to show that hidden variable theories could be constructed. It was not that this was the right one. This was a first attempt at showing that implicate orders could be found.

The Quantum Tai Chi magnetization picture is similar. A new term is added to the quantum equation. However, phase magnetization is based on the process going on in a superconductor, not just a mathematical guess. The process is also a possible representation of the functioning of the brain or consciousness. It is as physical as water freezing to ice. It is a phase transition theory, analogous to 2-d magnets.

Phase magnetization is a viable candidate for the Bohm's proposed implicate order. However, the holographic universe represents the explicate order. The two may fit together like pieces of a puzzle.

How could the fusion of these two ideas be accomplished? Waves analogous to magnetic waves may be the answer. It is possible that the information needed to create the world from the magnetized Quantum Tai Chi's may be converted into a pattern similar to that on a holographic plate. This could be manifested as a continual flow of interfering wave patterns in the many phase 'magnets' distributed throughout space. The brain could transform this into the sense perceptions we experience as 'the world out there'.

Such a fusion completes the holographic paradigm by providing an answer to the question posed by Dana Zohar: "If 'the brain is a hologram perceiving and participating in a holographic universe' who is looking at the hologram?" The awareness of infinite possibilities magnetized into a coherent awareness localized in spacetime is at least the beginning of an answer. The magnitude of consciousness is the magnitude of phase magnetization. A new kind of wholism which transcends the divisible holographic plate becomes the Quantum Tai Chi. As Zohar concludes:

"...if holism is to have any real meaning it must be grounded in the actual physics of consciousness, in a physics that can underpin the unity of consciousness and relate it both to brain structure and to the common features of our everyday awareness. I think that to achieve that, we must turn to quantum mechanics."


Our visit to the planet Mearth served a purpose. It was to entertain and perhaps educate. No relationship between Mearthean characters and real live earth beings, living or dead, is intended.

Where is Quantum Theory taking us? Where is the Internet taking us? Will the philosophies engendered by these two great paradigms change us forever? Will they spawn a religion or religions?

To find out, we could always return to a future planet Mearth. Travelling into the future should be no harder than travelling to a parallel quantum world. Actually, taking a trip out into the universe and back near the speed of light will do for travelling future-ward. Such time stretching is responsible for the so-called twin paradox.

Will the Mearth of the future become more polarized between the Reds and the Blues? The interpretation of Baum let us know that Blues are human too (though they listen to that awful alternative music and hate Red society). I only have a glimpse of what the future might bring.

One of the quantum parallel worlds of Mearth would have the Reds finding out that the counterculture of the Blues was spawned by an alien civilization. What would happen then? Would some of them want to get connected up too? Would a war ensue? Would it be Armeggedon?

Perhaps another parallel world would attain a fusion of science and religion, the right and left brain, and Blues and Reds would live in ultimate harmony. What would that religion be like? Would everyone learn how to use their natural psychic powers?

Stayed tuned for the next excursion to the planet Mearth, coming soon to your neighborhood bookstore and

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