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Surviving Terrorism

How can we survive the terrorism that we are experiencing here in the US and in other countries? We have been devastated physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually by attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. What can we do to prevent it from happening again, and what can we do to keep ourselves safe and whole if another attack impacts our area? To answer these questions, I have taken some portions of this essay from my emails to loved ones.

Spiritual survival. The most important question in my mind is: what makes us spiritually vulnerable to terrorism? While this question was troubling me, I felt directed to read from Revelations. My thoughts first went to the 'two witnesses' who were killed for reviling evil. Their bodies lay in the city for three and a half days, and then they ascended to heaven. However, more poignant was Revelations 18 describing Babylon, the city departed from God. Read the whole chapter, but the following verses seemed to powerfully apply (Revelations 18 :9-11):

"And the kings of the earth who committed fornication with her shall bewail her... when they shall see the smoke of her burning... Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour is thy judgment come. And the merchants of the earth (world traders) shall weep and mourn over her, for no man buyeth their merchandise anymore."

Rather than being a strict prophesy of the WTC bombing, I see this as an archetype and a warning that evil is what makes us vulnerable to terrorism. Though we decry the terrorist acts, and mourn for the innocent lives lost, we must recognize in some sense there are no victims. We share in the evil of a city, a state, or a nation, and thus the return karma (or testing) comes upon some who seem innocent.

God (within and without) is with those who are with him, wherever they are. To seek unity or oneness in God is a reaction that is is a powerful, hopeful thing. But, in addition, we must recognize as individuals, cities, and nations what makes us vulnerable. For the city, in part it was the greed of merchants, in part the overt satanism, the anti-God sentiment. In the case of the Pentagon, it may be that our military has murdered many innocents--bombing Serbia, not ending the Viet Nam War quickly, etc. As individuals, disaster should push us to the next step of further alignment with God--overcoming bad habits, engaging in service, increasing our spiritual practice, etc.

America does not seem to get that these events are either karma or for the testing of those who love God. To balance heavy karma or pass our tests we must move up a level in our spiritual practice and purification. It does make me thrill thrill to see the devotion of so many to God. I feel optimistic, not fearful. I see the coming of the true new age of the oneness of hearts, despite differences in minds. All the other karma or tests to come will be lighter with this optimism and oneness. The alabaster cities to come will gleam with the light of God.

Mental Survival. The greatest enemy is fear. By refusing to dwell on fearful thoughts, we strengthen our metal resolve to survive. Let us also engage ourselves in thinking through our emotional and physical survival. We can develop an optimistic, hopeful viewpoint. Look at the good the adversity has brought: the love, the service, and the drawing close to God and all of our brothers and sisters.

Emotional Survival. It almost goes without saying that talking about our feelings--sharing--is the most powerful catalyst for emotional healing. When we let someone speak their mind, even if we disagree, it is healing for them. We can also remind others when they become excessively fearful to trust God, and become physically prepared. Children are particularly vulnerable and should be encouraged to talk about their feelings regarding the destructive acts. Counseling may even be necessary for both adults and children. Remember, we have all suffered the loss of our brothers and sisters. This has been the visitation of death to the American family, and we should allow ourselves to grieve, cry, express.

Physical Survival. We may decide to move to a place of safety (though at this point no place is safe)--to take plans as what to do in case of emergency, and how to stay in contact with our families. I think it's not stupid to have a gas mask for chemical or biological attack, for example, though that doesn't help with some types. Let us learn as much as we can about the possible substances. It is also good to know what to do if some fool sets off an A bomb on our soil. If we are nearby such an inferno, it may be good to stay inside with the windows shut for several days with the windows shut until the fallout subsides. We need to be prepared for all eventualities, store food and water, for example.

Certainly we are dealing with a threat on a par with that caused by Hitler which lead to World War II. The sooner we can eliminate the cause, the safer physically we will be. However, we must be careful not to make karma by killing the innocent who are not supporting these madmen.

Nevertheless, the greatest defense against terrorism is personal, local, and national integrity.

Survivors are prepared.

Philip S. Petersen